• WS-REST2014 (Fifth International Workshop on Web APIs and RESTful Design) TBD
  • Monday, 7th, 9:00~17:30, 308 C
  • Session Chairs:
    Ruben Verborgh (Ghent University – iMinds – Multimedia Lab)
    Thomas Steiner (Google, Université Lyon 1)
    Carlos Pedrinaci (The Open University)
  • Program:

Session 1: API description (9:00-10:30)

9:00-10:00 – Keynote: Hypermedia, Affordances and Actions in by Sam Goto

10:00-10:30 – Hold Your Nose vs. Follow Your Nose: Observations on the state of service description on the Web by Mike Amundsen

Session 2: APIs & Consumers (11:00-12:30)

11:00-11:30 – Publish Data as a Time-based Versioned Web API with Provenance by Miel Vander Sande, Pieter Colpaert, Tom De Nies, Erik Mannens and Rik Van de Walle

11:30-12:00 – REST to JavaScript for Better Client-side Development by Hyunghun Cho and Sukyoung Ryu

12:00-12:30 – The W3C Web Cryptography API: Design and Issues by Harry Halpin

Session 3: Streams & Transactions (14:00-15:30)

14:00-14:30 – A RESTful API for Controlling Dynamic Streaming Topologies by Masiar Babazadeh and Cesare Pautasso

14:30-15:00 – Atomic distributed transactions: a RESTful design by Guy Pardon and Cesare Pautasso

15:00-15:30 – Seven Challenges for RESTful Transaction Models by Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, Miguel Esteban Gutiérrez and Raúl García Castro

Session 4: Clients & Composition (16:00-17:30)

16:00-16:30 – Creating a Generic, Self-Inflating API Client for Production Use by Pete Gamache

16:30-17:00 – An approach for composing RESTful linked services on the Web by Mahdi Bennara, Michaël Mrissa and Youssef Amghar

17:00-17:30 – The COMPOSE API for the Internet of Things by Juan Luis Perez, Alvaro Villalba, David Carrera, Iker Larizgoitia and Vlad Trifa

Discussion (17:30-18:00)

All participants welcome.
