WebET 2014

  • WebET 2014 (Workshop on Web-based Education Technologies) TBA
  • Tuesday, 8th, 09:00~17:30, Room 311
  • Program:

[07:00 – 09:00]    Registration and Coffee

[09:00 – 10:30]    Session 1
-Opening Remarks (Prof. Irwin King and Prof. Bebo White)
-Keynote Address (Prof.Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, US)
-Track 1  – Theme: Educational Platforms
-“Tutoring from the Desktop: Facilitating Learning Through Google+ Hangouts” – Neel Guha
-“Building Engagement for MOOC Students – Introducing Support for Time Management on Online Learning Platforms” – IlonaNawrot and Antoine Doucet

[10:30 – 11:00]    Coffee Break

[11:00 – 12:30]    Session 2
-Invited Speaker (Prof. Jie Tang, Tsinghua University, China)
-Track 2 – Theme: Educational Technology Applications
-“Crowdcrawling Approach for Community Based Plagiarism Detection Service” – Sergey Butakov
-“Collective Copyright” – Erik Cambria
-“Language Technologies for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Writing” – Tak Pang Lau, Shuai Wang, Yuanyuan Man, Chi Fai Yuen, and Irwin King
-Closing Remarks (Prof. Irwin King and Prof. Bebo White)

[12:30 – 14:00]    Lunch Break
