Web Science Track

  • Room 201  14:00~15:20
  • 14:00~14:20
  • The Semantic Evolution of Online Communities
    Matthew Rowe and Markus Strohmaier
  • 14:20~14:40
  • User Churn in Focused Q&A Sites: Characterizations and Prediction
    Jagat Pudipeddi, Leman Akoglu and Hanghang Tong
  • 14:40~15:00
  • Evolution of Reddit: From the Front Page of the Internet to a Self-referential Community?
    Philipp Singer, Fabian Flöck, Clemens Meinhart, Elias Zeitfogel and Markus Strohmaier
  • 15:00~15:20
  • A Study of the Online Prole of Enterprise Users in Professional Social Network
    Alessandro Bozzon, Hariton Efstathiades, Geert-Jan Houben and Robert-Jan Sips