Web Science Track

Accepted Full Papers

  • Graph Structure in the Web — Revisited
  • Robert Meusel, Sebastiano Vigna, Oliver Lehmberg and Christian Bizer. 
  • The Semantic Evolution of Online Communities
  • Matthew Rowe and Markus Strohmaier.
  • Inferring International and Internal Migration Patterns from Twitter Data
  • Emilio Zagheni, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Ingmar Weber and Bogdan State. 
  • Examining Wikipedia across Linguistic and Temporal Borders
  • Ramine Tinati, Paul Gaskell, Thanassis Tiropanis, Olivier Philippe and Wendy Hall. 
  • Taking Brazil’s Pulse: Tracking Growing Urban Economies from Online Attention
  • Carmen Vaca Ruiz, Daniele Quercia, Luca Maria Aiello and Piero Fraternali. 
  • Analysis of Local Online Review Systems as Digital Word-of-Mouth
  • Claudia López and Rosta Farzan. 
  • Long Time No See: The Probability of Reusing Tags as a Function of Frequency and Recency
  • Dominik Kowald, Paul Seitlinger, Christoph Trattner and Tobias Ley.
  • User Churn in Focused Q&A Sites: Characterizations and Prediction
  • Jagat Pudipeddi, Leman Akoglu and Hanghang Tong.
  • The Web Observatory Extension: Facilitating Web Science Collaboration through Semantic Markup
  • Dominic Difranzo, John Erickson, Marie Joan Kristine Gloria, Joanne Luciano and Deborah McGuinness. 
  • Modelling Patient Engagement in Peer-to-Peer Healthcare
  • Liz Sillence, Claire Hardy, Peter Harris and Pamela Briggs.
  • A Study of the Online Profile of Enterprise Users in Professional Social Networks
  • Alessandro Bozzon, Hariton Efstathiades, Geert-Jan Houben and Robert-Jan Sips. 
  • Information Network or Social Network? The Structure of the Twitter Follow Graph
  • Seth Myers, Aneesh Sharma, Pankaj Gupta and Jimmy Lin. 
  • Mining Triadic Closure Patterns in Social Networks
  • Hong Huang, Jie Tang, Sen Wu, Lu Liu and Xiaoming Fu. 
  • Web Science Meets Big Smog: Using Web Data to Analyze China’s Smog Disaster
  • Jiaoyan Chen, Huajun Chen and Jeff Z. Pan
  • Indexing and analyzing Wikipedia’s Current Events Portal, the Daily News Summaries by the Crowd
  • Giang Binh Tran and Mohammad Alrifai.  
  • Evolution of Reddit: From the Front Page of the Internet to a Self-referential Community?

  • Philipp Singer, Fabian Flöck, Clemens Meinhart, Elias Zeitfogel and Markus Strohmaier. 
  • Songrium: A Music Browsing Assistance Service with Interactive Visualization and Exploration of a Web of Music
  • Masahiro Hamasaki, Masataka Goto and Tomoyasu Nakano.

  • Exploring the User-Generated Contents (UGC) Uploading Behavior on YouTube
  • Jaimie Yejean Park, Jiyeon Jang, Alejandro Jaimes, Chin-Wan Chung and Sung-Hyon Myaeng.
  • Hippocampus: Answering Memory Queries using Transactive Search
  • Michele Catasta, Alberto Tonon, Djellel Eddine Difallah, Gianluca Demartini, Karl Aberer and Philippe Cudré-Mauroux.
  • Reachable Subwebs for Traversal-Based Query Execution
  • Olaf Hartig and Tamer Özsu.