• SNOW II (2nd Workshop on Social News on the Web)
  • Tuesday, 8th, 09:00~17:30, Room 315
  • Program:

Session 1: Openings
[9:00-9:25] Minkyoung Kim, David Newth and Peter Christen.
“Trends of News Diffusion in Social Media based on Crowd Phenomena” [full paper]

[9:25-9:45] Eva Jaho, Efstratios Tzoannos, Aris Papadopoulos and Nikos Sarris.
“Alethiometer: a framework for assessing trustworthiness and content validity in social media“ [position paper]

[9:45-10:10] José Luis Redondo Garcia, Laurens De Vocht, Raphaël Troncy, Erik Mannens and Rik Van de Walle.
“Describing and Contextualizing Events in TV News Show” [full paper]

[10:10-10:30] Jochen Spangenberg and Nicolaus Heise.
“News from the Crowd: Grassroots and Collaborative Journalism in the Digital Age” [position paper]

[Coffee break]

Session 2
[11:00-12:00] KEYNOTE TALK: Alejandro Jaimes,
“Data Driven Journalism: From Agenda Setting to News Responses- How Can We Best Leverage Big Data?”,  Yahoo Labs.

[12:05-12:30] Christina Boididou, Symeon Papadopoulos, Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Steve Schifferes and Nic Newman.
“Challenges of Computational Verification in Social Multimedia” [full paper]

[Lunch break]

Session 3
[14:00-15:00] KEYNOTE TALK: Jure Leskovec,
“Creating, placing, and presenting social media content”, Stanford University.

[15:00-15:20] Topic detection challenge: openings.

[15:20-15:30] Carlos Martin-Dancausa and Ayse Göker.
“Real-time topic detection with bursty n-grams” [challenge paper]

[Coffee break]

Session 4
[16:00-16:20] Gopi Chand Nutakki, Olfa Nasraoui, Behnoush Abdollahi, Mahsa Badami, Wenlong Sun.
“Distributed LDA based Topic Modeling and Topic Agglomeration in a Latent Space” [challenge paper]

[16:20-16:40] Steven Van Canneyt, Matthias Feys, Steven Schockaert, Thomas Demeester, Chris Develder and Bart Dhoedt.
“Detecting Newsworthy Topics in Twitter” [challenge paper]

[16:40-17:00] Georgiana Ifrim, Bichen Shi, Igor Brigadir.
“Event Detection in Twitter using Aggressive Filtering and Hierarchical Tweet Clustering” [challenge paper]

[17:00-17:10] Gerard Burnside, Dimitrios Milioris and Philippe Jacquet.
“One Day in Twitter: Topic Detection Via Joint Complexity” [challenge paper]

[17:10-17:20] Georgios Petkos, Symeon Papadopoulos and Yiannis Kompatsiaris.
“Two-level message clustering for topic detection in Twitter” [challenge paper]

[17:20-17:30] Challenge results and prizes.
