Research Track

  • Room 101  16:00~17:30
  • Social Networks 1
  • Chair: Munmun De Choudhury, Microsoft Reseach
  • 16:00~16:30
  • Random Walks based Modularity: Application to Semi-Supervised Learning
    Robin Devooght, Amin Mantrach, Ilkka Kivimäki, Hugues Bersini, Alejandro Jaimes and Marco Saerens
  • 16:30~17:00
  • High Quality, Scalable and Parallel Community Detection for Large Real Graphs
    Arnau Prat-Pérez, David Dominguez-Sal and Josep-Lluis Larriba-Pey
  • 17:00~17:30
  • Dynamic and Historical Shortest-Path Distance Queries on Large Evolving Networksby Pruned Landmark Labeling
    Takuya Akiba, Yoichi Iwata and Yuichi Yoshida