Research Track

  • Room 101  11:00~12:30
  • Social Networks 3 – Diffusion
  • Chair: Daniele Quercia, Yahoo! Labs
  • 11:00~11:30
  • The Bursty Dynamics of the Twitter Information Network
    Seth Myers and Jue Leskovec
  • 11:30~12:00
  • Can Cascades be Predicted?
    Justin Cheng, Lada Adamic, Alex Dow, Jon Kleinberg and Jure Leskovec
  • 12:00~12:30
  • How to Influence People with Partial Incentives  Erik Demaine, Mohammadtaghi Hajiaghayi, Hamid Mahini, David Malec, Anshul Sawant, Morteza Zadimoghaddam and S. Raghavan