Research Track

  • Room 104  11:00~12:30
  • Social Networks 3 – Modeling Influences in Graphs
  • Chair: Alan Mislove, Northeastern University
  • 11:00~11:30
  • Who Proposed the Relationship? — Recovering the Hidden Directions of Undirected Social Networks
    Jun Zhang, Chaokun Wang and Jianmin Wang
  • 11:30~12:00
  • User Profiling in Ego Network. An Attribute and Relationship Type Co-profiling Approach
    Rui Li, Chi Wang and Kevin Chang
  • 12:00~12:30
  • Attributed Graph Models: Modeling Network Structure with Correlated Attributes
    Joseph Pfeiffer, Sebastian Moreno, Timothy La Fond, Jennifer Neville and Brian Gallagher