Research Track

  • Room 101  11:00~12:30
  • Web Mining 3
  • Chair: Yutaka Matsuo, University of Tokyo
  • 11:00~11:30
  • Comment-based Multi-View Clustering of Web 2.0 Items Xiangnan He, Min-Yen Kan, Peichu Xie and Xiao Chen
  • 11:30~12:00
  • Finding Progression Stages in Time-Evolving Event Sequences
    Jaewon Yang, Julian McAuley, Jure Leskovec, Paea Le Pendu and Nigam Shah
  • 12:00~12:30
  • On Estimating the Average Degree
    Anirban Dasgupta, Ravi Kumar and Tamas Sarlos