Research Track

  • Room 102  11:00~12:30
  • User Interaction
  • Chair: Xing Xie, Microsoft Research Asia
  • 11:00~11:30
  • Designing and Deploying Online Field Experiments Eytan Bakshy, Dean Eckles and Michael Bernstein
  • 11:30~12:00
  • Local Business Ambience Characterization Through Mobile Audio Sensing
    He Wang, Dimitrios Lymberopoulos and Jie Liu
  • 12:00~12:30
  • Social Bootstrapping: How Pinterest and Social Communities Benefit by Borrowing Links from Facebook
    Changtao Zhong, Mostafa Salehi, Sunil Shah, Marius Cobzarenco, Nishanth Sastry and Meeyoung Cha