Plenary Panel
- Title: WWW: The next 25 years
- Grand Ballroom 1F
- Wednesday, 9th, 11:00 ~ 12:30
- Panelists:
Sir. Tim Berners-Lee
(MIT & W3C)Dr. Ramanathan Guha
Prof. James Hendler
(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Dr. Unna Huh
(Start-up Forum)
Yong Hak Kim
(Yonsei Univ.)
Ms. Mary Ellen Zurko (Cisco & IW3C2)
- Moderator:
Prof. Wendy HallDetails
- Description In 2014 we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the birth of the Web. Its evolution over that time has been remarkable in many respects. It has changed our lives in so many ways, which prompts an important question as to how it will evolve over the next 25 years. What are the additional roles it can play and the opportunities and threats for them? What are the directions for necessary technical advances? Will it be able to withstand the pressures and challenges that we see ahead in areas such as privacy, security, trust and governance? What should we be doing to ensure that the Web remains a force for the good of humanity? This panel brings together leaders in the field who will share with us their vision of what the next 25 years might hold in store for the system that is now an essential part of all our lives.
IT Leadership Panel
- Title: IT Leadership in the Transition from an Industrial Society to an Information Society
- Room 105
- Wednesday, 9th, 14:00~15:30
- Panelists:
Dr. Kilnam Chon
(KAIST)Mr. Dong Hyueung Lee
(Nowprofile Inc.)Dr. Preston R. McAfee
(Google)Dr. Jun Hyung Roh
(Former Minister of
Ministry of Information and Communication)
Dr. David De Roure
(University of Oxford)Mr. Byunghyun Woo (ChosunBiz)
- Moderator:
Prof. Youngchul Yoon
(Yonsei Univ.) - Description The Internet is only a half-centry old while the WWW only half of that. The histories are even shorter in developing countries. Yet, the IT services and gadgets that we enjoy today are truly mind-boggling. Korea has been one of the fastest growing economies in those periods and has gone through, arguably, the biggest degree of change in society. In this panel, we examine the role of the Internet and the WWW in South Korea’s development and how the lessons learned can be applied to other developing and underdeveloped nations. We will also try to explore strategic implicatons as the world transforms itself from an industrial society to an information society.
WWW-W4A Joint Panel
- Title: 2020: game over for accessibility?
- Room 105
- Wednesday, 9th, 16:00~17:30
- Panelists:
Dr. Chieko Asakawa
(IBM)DetailsProf. Sang-Mook Lee
(Seoul Nat’l Univ.) DetailsProf. Kun Pyo Lee
(KAIST) DetailsProf. Bebo White
(Stanford Univ.) Details
- Moderator:
Prof. Giorgio Brajnik
(Univ. of Udine) - Logistics – free access for W4A delegates
- open to all WWW14 delegates - Description Provided that accessibility means that no barriers exist to access information, with progress and wide dissemination of assistive technologies (like screen readers), tactile enhancements to touch screens, automatic translation in written (and perhaps) spoken language, tools for summarizing and explaining data and charts, crowdsourcing approaches to get needed information, brain-computer interfaces, autonomous cars, we could be approaching a time when practically all kinds of barriers are overcome.On the other hand, as has happened until now, another possibility is that accessibility practitioners and scholars will still have to chase new technologies and still have to bug developers asking them to retrofit accessibility features to new (and old) artifacts.A more general background question is: accessibility is an essential trait of human-machine interaction or is it an artificial phenomenon, due to currently imperfect development processes and solutions?The panel will explore these issues challenging panelists to answer (among others) the following questions:
- Will accessibility still be an issue in 2020?
- Is it an essential trait of human interaction with information or will technology be able to overcome accessibility barriers?
- What shape will assistive technology have?
- What kind of users could be left behind? Why?
Technical Panel
- Title: From Big Data to Deep Insight
- Room 203
- Thursday, 10th, 16:00~17:30
- Panelists:
Dr. Yoelle Maarek (Yahoo)
Dr. Chris Volinsky (AT&T)
Dr. Prabhakar Raghavan
Dr. Wei-Ying Ma (Microsoft)
- Moderator:
Dr. Zhong Su
(IBM) - Description Big Data is growing dramatically. By 2020, it is estimated that the digital universe will reach out to an incredible size of 40 zettabytes. This trend of “big data growth” presents enormous challenges as well as incredible business opportunities. In this panel, we would like to discuss how systems can extract deep insight for various purposes from big data. In particular, for each big data system, we would like to discuss:
1) The growth and character of the data
2) The key challenges in analyzing the data3) The insights that can be gleaned by analyzing the data.