MSM 2014

  • MSM 2014 (5th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media: Mining Big Data in Social Media and the Web)
  • Tuesday, 8th,09:00~12:30, Room 307
  • Program:

Session 1 (Chair: Martin Atzmueller)
[9:00-9:05] Intro

[9:05-9:55] Invited Talk Ramesh Rangarajan Sarukkai (Google Inc.): YouTube Monetization: Creating User Centric Experiences Using Large Scale Data

[9:55-10:15] Nathan Kallus: Predicting Crowd Behavior with Big Public Data

[10:15-10:30] Coffee break

Session 2 (Chair: Christoph Trattner)
[10:30-10:50] Martin Atzmueller, Andreas Ernst, Friedrich Krebs, Christoph Scholz and Gerd Stumme: On the Evolution of Social Groups During Coffee Breaks

[10:50-11:05] Christoph Scholz, Martin Atzmueller and Gerd Stumme: On the Predictability of Recurring Links in Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity

[11:05-11:20] Simon Dooms, Toon De Pessemier and Luc Martens: Mining Cross-Domain Rating Datasets from Structured Data on Twitter

[11:20-11:40] Cody Buntain and Jennifer Golbeck: Social Roles in Multi-Community Websites

[11:40-12:00] Kyoungmin Ryoo and Sue Moon: Inferring User Location In GPS-Level

[12:00-12:15] Coffee Break

Session 3 (Chair: Martin Atzmueller)
[12:15-13:05] Invited Talk – Daniele Quercia (Yahoo Research): The Pursuit of Urban Happiness

[13:05-13:15] Discussion & Closing
