BigScholar 2014

  • BigScholar 2014 (The First WWW Workshop on Big Scholarly Data: Towards the Web of Scholars)
  • Tuesday, 8th, 14:00~17:30, room 307 A
  • Session Chair:
    Irwin King (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
    Feng Xia (Dalian University of Technology)
    Huan Liu (Arizona State University)
  • Program:

[14:00 - 14:05] Welcome and opening remarks

[14:05 - 14:45] Keynote Speech (Chair: Huan Liu)
Query Complex Graph Patterns: Tools and Applications
Speaker: Hanghang Tong, City University of New York, USA

[14:45 – 15:45] Technical Session 1 (Chair: Irwin King)
Graham Cormode, S Muthukrishnan and Jinyun Yan
People Like Us: Mining scholarly data for comparable researchers
Laurens De Vocht, Selver Softic, Erik Mannens, Martin Ebner and Rik Van de Walle
Aligning Web Collaboration Tools with Research Data for Scholars
Jing Li, Feng Xia, Wei Wang, Zhen Chen, Nana Yaw Asabere and Huizhen Jiang
ACRec: A Co-authorship based Random Walk Model for Academic Collaboration Recommendation
Suhendry Effendy, Irvan Jahja and Roland Yap
Relatedness Measures between Conferences in Computer Science – a Preliminary Study Based on DBLP

[15:45 - 16:00] Break

[16:00 - 17:30] Technical Session 2 (Chair: Feng Xia)
Isaac Lera, Carlos Guerrero and Carlos Juiz
Indicators and Functionalities of Exploitation of Academic Staff CV using Semantic Web technologies
Anastasia Dimou, Laurens De Vocht, Mathias Van Compernolle, Erik Mannens, Peter Mechant and Rik Van de Walle
A Visual Workflow to Explore the Web of Data for Scholars
Hui Shi, Kurt Maly and Steven Zeil
Trust and Hybrid Reasoning for Ontological Knowledge Bases
Graham Cormode, Qiang Ma, S Muthukrishnan and Brian Thompson
Modeling Collaboration in Academia: A Game Theoretic Approach
Yu Liu, Zhen Huang, Jing Fang and Yizhou Yan
 An Article Level Metric in the Context of Research Community
Laszlo Gulyas, George Kampis, Zsolt Juranyi and Sandor Soos
Can Web Presence Predict Academic Performance? – The Case of Eotvos University

[17:30-17:35] Closing
