Should you have any further inquiries and questions on

· Generals; www2014@www2014.kr
· Registration; www2014.reg@www2014.kr
· Accommodations; hotel@www2014.kr

Please click the title of each question for detailed information.


Q: How can I pay for the registration fee?
You can pay the registration fee by credit card via online system or by bank transfer.
Q: Is it possible to pay the registration fee at the venue?
Yes, it is. However we recommend you to complete the registration before coming to the conference to avoid congestion and spending too much time at the registration desk.
Q: Where can I get the receipt for my payment?
The receipt will be distributed with your name badge at the on-site registration desk.
Q: When is the registration desk operating time?
Registration Desk will be operating all day while conference is running. Detailed time schedule will be announced when the technical program is set.
Q: Where is the on-site registration desk?
Registration desk will be organized at 2 different spots for Workshop & Tutorial and for Main Conference. Please check the locations before coming to the venue.
Workshop & Tutorial (April 6-8): Conference Room South

Main Conference (April 9-10): Conference Room North

Accommodations and Food near Coex

Q: Where can I find more information on Accommodation in South Korea?
We recommend you to see the web-site run by Korea Tourism Organization.Accommodation
Q: Do you recommend any good restaurants near Coex?
Coex is a real hot place in Seoul. However it is under construction for remodeling these days.
You can see some restaurant near Coex. (Vegetarian restaurants are available as well.)


Q: Will there be shuttle buses from hotels to the venue (Coex)?
There will be shuttle buses for WWW2014 participants for sure. However, buses will cover those hotels which are located at non-walking-distance place.Detailed information and schedule on shuttle buses will be up on the website in the middle of March, 2014.
Q: What is the easiest way to get to Coex from Incheon International Airport?
If you are coming from abroad, we recommend taking Limousine buses. They are comfy and fast.For detailed information: WWW2014 Website
input “Coex” at the destination blank (Incheon Int’l Airport Website)
Q: Is there any guideline for Seoul Metro?
Here is the guideline to use subway and some attractive spots near subway stations.
check here


Q: Do I need to apply for Visa to visit Korea?
There are 101 countries under visa exemption agreement for visitors who plan to stay in Korea for no longer than 90 days. Please . check here
Q: Where can I ask for invitation letter for visa process?
For invitation letter, please contact WWW2014 secretariat to www2014.reg@www2014.kr .
To issue the letter, you need to email us your information on name, affiliation, nationality, paper number (if you are an author), address of your organization, passport number.
For detailed information


Q: Will there be exhibition this year?
Yes, there will be. Many leading companies in Web field will run their booth. Read More
Q: Which tracks are in this year?
We have research track, posters track, demo track, Ph.D symposium track, developer track, industry track, web science track, W3C track and panel as well as tutorial, workshop. Read More
Q: Is there any co-located event this year?
BigData Innovators Gathering (BIG) 2014 and11th International Web for All Conference are co-located with WWW 2014.
BIG 2014 /www2014/big-2014/
W4A 2014 http://www.w4a.info/2014/
Q: I want to check on presentation guideline for speakers.
The presentation guideline will be announced via website when each track chair determines it.