Web Search Systems and Applications

We invite original research submissions addressing all the aspects of Web search, from complex efficient systems to novel applications. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to the ones listed below.


  • Indexing Web content
  • Query analysis
  • Relevance ranking
  • Interactive search
  • Search experience including snippets, sitelinks generation and results layout
  • Web crawling
  • Query processing including caching and pruning strategies
  • Search engine architecture and scalability
  • Adversarial search
  • Vertical and specialized search
  • Personalized or context-aware search and ranking
  • Evaluation methodologies and metrics including click analysis
  • New search paradigms and applications

Area Chairs

  • Yoelle Maarek (Yahoo Labs)
  • Junghoo Cho (UCLA)

TPC Members (Preliminary)

  • James Allan (UMass Amherst)
  • Omar Alonso (Microsoft)
  • Jaime Arguello (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill )
  • Ziv Bar-Yossef (Google)
  • Behshad Behzadi (Google)
  • Edward Bortnikov (Yahoo Labs)
  • Rui Cai (Microsoft Research Asia)
  • B. Barla Cambazoglu (Yahoo Labs)
  • David Carmel (Yahoo Labs)
  • Soumen Chakrabarti (IIT Bombay)
  • Kevin Chang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • Yi Chang (Yahoo Labs)
  • Maarten de Rijke (University of Amsterdam)
  • Arjen de Vries (CWI)
  • Fernando Diaz (Microsoft Research)
  • Marcus Fontoura (Google)
  • Antonio Gulli (Microsoft)
  • Maxim Gurevich (Google)
  • Djoerd Hiemstra (Q-able and University of Twente)
  • Chu-Cheng Hsieh (eBay Research Labs)
  • Amruta Joshi (Google)
  • Ronny Lempel (Yahoo Labs)
  • Edo Liberty (Yahoo Labs)
  • Ee-Peng Lim (Singapore Management University )
  • Wei-Ying Ma (Microsoft Research Asia)
  • Mark Manasse (Microsoft Research)
  • Vanessa Murdock (Microsoft)
  • Jian Pei (Simon Fraser University)
  • Sriram Raghavan (IBM Research – India)
  • Uri Schonfeld (UCLA)
  • Fabrizio Silvestri (ISTI – CNR)
  • D Sivakumar (Google)
  • Neel Sundaresan (eBay Research Labs)
  • Idan Szpektor (Yahoo Labs)
  • Stratis Viglas (University of Edinburgh)
  • Sebastiano Vigna (Universita degli Studi di Milano)
  • Michael Welch (Yahoo)
  • Ji-Rong Wen (Microsoft Research Asia)
  • Tao Yang (Ask.com and UCSB)
  • Elad Yom-Tov (Microsoft Research)