Software Infrastructure, performance, scalability, and availability

This track invites papers dealing with performance, scalability and reliability issues in web systems and web software infrastructure. This includes work ranging from web protocols and content distribution systems to the architecture of large-scale systems for web data serving, data analysis, and cloud computing and storage.


  • Caching, replication, and content distribution networks
  • Improving the performance, scalability and availability of real-world web systems
  • Quality of service, service level agreements (SLAs), service models, and pricing schemes in cloud computing and web systems
  • Capacity planning, resource provisioning, scheduling, monitoring, and management of cloud and web systems
  • Workload, performance characterization, modeling and management
  • Availability, fault-tolerance, and load balancing
  • Design, implementation, and performance of large data serving and data analysis platforms
  • Performance optimization for Big Data Analytics
  • Basic infrastructure and performance issues for pervasive and mobile web services
  • Architectures and frameworks for Web services and web applications
  • Using and designing cloud platforms for web data and web applications
  • Testing for web services and web applications, and evaluation of cloud platforms
  • Virtualization technologies in web systems
  • Challenges in designing applications and services that utilize resources across multiple clouds (both public and private)
  • Web service discovery, selection, and choreography

Area Chairs

  • Zhen Xiao (Peking University)
  • Malgorzata Steinder (IBM Research)

TPC Members (Preliminary)

  • Virgilio Almeida (UFMG)
  • Ken Birman (Cornell University)
  • Haibo Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
  • Byung-Gon Chun (Microsoft)
  • Michele Colajanni (University of Modena)
  • Minyi Guo (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
  • Jiming Liu (Hong Kong Baptist University)
  • John C.S. Lui (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
  • Greg Malewicz (Facebook)
  • Beng Chin Ooi (National University of Singapore)
  • Rick Schlichting (AT&T Labs Research)
  • Shirin Sohrabi (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
  • Weijia Song (Computer Center, Peking Univ, Beijing)
  • Gosia Steinder (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
  • Stefan Tai (KIT)
  • Bhuvan Urgaonkar (Pennsylvania State University)
  • Robbert Van Renesse (Cornell University)
  • C.L. Wang (The University of Hong Kong)
  • Zhen Xiao (Peking University)