Semantic web

The Web has been evolving as a globally pervasive backbone for data and information dissemination. More and more, data and websites incorporating a semantic component have become available, thus enabling increasingly intelligent applications and services. This track focuses on all aspects of semantics in the web.

We invite original contributions on topics related to the Semantic Web, including (but not limited to) the ones below.


  • Infrastructure: Storing, querying, searching, serving Semantic Web data
  • Linking, joining, integrating, aligning/reconciling Semantic Web data and ontologies from different sources
  • Tools for annotation, visualization, interacting with Semantic Web data, building ontologies
  • Knowledge Representation: Ontologies, representation languages, reasoning in the Semantic Web
  • Applications that produce or consume Semantic Web data, including those in the enterprise, education, science, medicine, mobile, web search, social networks, etc.
  • Extracting Semantic Web data from web pages and other sources
  • Methodologies for the engineering of Semantic Web applications, including uses of Semantic Web formats and data in the development process itself.

Area Chairs

  • Ramanthan Guha (Google)
  • Daniel Schwabe (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro)

TPC Members (Preliminary)

  • Kemafor Anyanwu (North Carolina State University)
  • Marcelo Arenas (PUC, Chile)
  • Sören Auer (Universität Leipzig)
  • Abraham Bernstein (University of Zurich)
  • Marco Casanova (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro)
  • Key-Sun Choi (KAIST)
  • Oscar Corcho (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
  • Philippe Cudré-Mauroux (U. of Fribourg)
  • Stefan Decker (DERI Galway)
  • Fabien Gandon (INRIA)
  • Aldo Cangemi (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
  • Asunción Gómez-Pérez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
  • Vineet Gupta (Google)
  • Alon Halevy (Google)
  • Martin Hepp (Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany)
  • Lalana Kagal (MIT)
  • Jaap Kamps (University of Amsterdam)
  • Edgar Meij (Yahoo! Research)
  • Peter Mika (Yahoo! Research)
  • Dunja Mladenic (Josef Stefan Institute)
  • N. S. Narayanaswamy (Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras)
  • Peter Patel-Schneider (Nuance)
  • Terry Payne (University of Liverpool)
  • Marta Sabou (MODUL University Viena)
  • Ansgar Scherp (University of Mannheim)
  • Amit Sheth (Kno.e.sis Center, Wright State University)
  • Ramakrishnan Srikant (Google)
  • Kavitha Srinivas (IBM Research)
  • Steffen Staab (University of Koblenz-Landau)
  • Haofen Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
  • Zhichun Wang (Tsinghua University)
  • Chris Welty (IBM Research)
  • Josiane Xavier Parreira (DERI – National University of Ireland, Galway)