Security, privacy, trust, and abuse

As the Web has grown to be an essential part of our lives, the notion of trust between its users has become paramount. Security and privacy guarantees are indeed fundamental to the successful conduct of most web transactions; at the same time, the sheer success of web-based transactions and services have made them a ripe target for abuse by hostile parties.

This track offers a forum to discuss the notions of trust and abuse on the Web, and to present advances in research in security and privacy technologies for the Web.


Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) :

  • Negative content filtering: spam, porn, viruses, etc.
  • Authentication, authorization, and auditing on the web
  • Content protection and abuse on the web (DRM, web/blog spam, etc.)
  • Access control, rights management, and security of social content
  • Browser security issues, including attacks, defenses, and policy models
  • Malware defense on resource-constrained devices
  • Fine-grained sharing, access control, privacy, security
  • Privacy-enhancing technologies, including anonymity, pseudonymity and identity management, specifically for the web
  • Dealing with client-side risks
  • Change detection and monitoring methods
  • Security for emerging web services (blogs, web feed, wikis, social networks, etc.)
  • Applications of cryptography to the web, including PKI and supporting concepts like digital signatures, certification, etc.
  • Electronic commerce, particularly security mechanisms for e-cash, auctions, payment, and fraud detection
  • Security and privacy issues in search, advertising, and mining of the Web and social networks
  • Legal, ethical, policy issues of Web security and privacy
  • Online crime/underground economics
  • Web to Human to Physical Interface Security

Area Chairs

  • Nicolas Christin (Carnegie Mellon)
  • Yongdae Kim (KAIST)

TPC Members

  • Lucas Ballard (Google)
  • Davide Balzarotti (Eurecom)
  • Elie Bursztein (Google)
  • Yan Chen (Northwestern University)
  • Emiliano De Cristofaro (PARC/UCL)
  • Serge Egelman (UC Berkeley and ICSI)
  • Thorsten Holz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
  • Markus Jakobsson (FatSkunk)
  • Rob Jansen (Naval Research Laboratory)
  • Aaron Johnson (Naval Research Laboratory)
  • Jaeyeon Jung (Microsoft Research)
  • Engin Kirda (Northeastern University)
  • Christopher Kruegel (UC Santa Barbara)
  • Wenke Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology)
  • Kirill Levchenko (UC San Diego)
  • Zhenkai Liang (National University of Singapore)
  • Prateek Mittal (Princeton University)
  • Abedelaziz Mohaisen (Verisign Labs)
  • Tyler Moore (Southern Methodist University)
  • Vern Paxson (UC Berkeley and ICSI)
  • Stuart Schechter (Microsoft Research)
  • Elaine Shi (University of Maryland)
  • Robin Sommer (ICSI and LBNL)
  • Sid Stamm (Mozilla)
  • Dan Wallach (Rice University)
  • Xiaofeng Wang (Indiana University)
  • Christo Wilson (Northeastern University)
  • Haifeng Yu (National University of Singapore)