Content analysis

The Content Analysis track welcomes submissions of original, high-quality research papers related to the extraction of information — broadly construed to include factual, subjective, social, behavioral, personal, historical, and economic knowledge —– expressed in whole or in part in natural-language format in any manner of on-line source. We encourage submissions both on techniques for performing this extraction and on insights gained from analysis facilitated by this extraction.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following (listed in no particular order), especially as they resonate with the spirit expressed in the previous paragraph:

  • Language-analysis techniques
  • Bridging unstructured and structured data
  • Multi-lingual and cross-lingual settings
  • Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
  • Information diffusion
  • Normalization, clustering, classification, and summarization of text and natural-language items (broadly construed)
  • Insights from natural-language analysis of social media
  • Novel applications

Area Chairs

  • Seung-won Hwang (POSTECH)
  • Lillian Lee (Cornell University)

TPC Members

  • Eugene Agichtein (Emory University)
  • Yuki Arase (Microsoft Research Asia)
  • Wolf-Tilo Balke (Technische Universitaet Braunschweig)
  • Shenghua Bao (IBM)
  • Michael Bendersky (Google)
  • Jordan Boyd-Graber (University of Maryland)
  • Yunbo Cao (Microsoft Research Asia)
  • Claire Cardie (Cornell)
  • Ming-Wei Chang (Microsoft Research)
  • Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil (MPI-SWS)
  • Munmun De Choudhury (Microsoft Research)
  • Doug Downey (Northwestern)
  • Jacob Eisenstein (Georgia Tech)
  • Sameh Elnikety (Microsoft Research)
  • Hui Fang (University of Delaware)
  • Evgeniy Gabrilovich (Google)
  • Michael Gamon (Microsoft Research)
  • Eric Gilbert (Georgia Tech)
  • Marco Guerini (Trento RISE)
  • Yuxiong He (Microsoft Research)
  • U Kang (KAIST)
  • Oren Kurland (The Technion)
  • Sangkeun Lee (Korea University)
  • Jimmy Lin (University of Maryland)
  • Bing Liu (University of Illinois-Chicago)
  • Mausam (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)
  • Elijah Mayfield (Lightside Labs)
  • Qiaozhu Mei (University of Michigan)
  • Gerard de Melo (ICSI)
  • Don Metzler (Google)
  • Roberto Navigli (Sapienza University of Rome/University of Wolverhampton)
  • Zaiqing Nie (Microsoft Research Asia)
  • Miles Osborne (University of Edinburgh/Johns Hopkins)
  • Myle Ott (Facebook)
  • Iadh Ounis (University of Glasgow)
  • Bo Pang (Google)
  • Carolyn Penstein Rose (CMU)
  • Sasa Petrovic (Google)
  • Chris Potts (Stanford)
  • Karthik Raman (Cornell University)
  • Alan Ritter (CMU/Ohio State)
  • Shuming Shi (Microsoft Research Asia)
  • Stefan Siersdorfer (L3S Research Center)
  • Noah Smith (CMU)
  • Ian Soboroff (NIST)
  • Young-In Song (NHN Corporation)
  • Partha Talukdar (CMU)
  • Chenhao Tan (Cornell University)
  • Haixun Wang (Microsoft Research Asia)
  • Lu Wang (Cornell University)
  • Furu Wei (Microsoft Research Asia)
  • Yisong Yue (Disney Research and CalTech)
  • Torsten Zesch (TU-Darmstadt)
  • Chengxiang Zhai (UIUC)
  • Yi Zhang (University of California – Santa Cruz)
  • Chenhao Tan (Cornell University)