Gold sponsors have priority to choose one of these options…

Gold options :
Options Price Description Include
Web lounge 15 000 € Web lounges are located within the exhibition area and provide delegates with plugs for their laptops, printers, pC’s. > Flag sign with the sponsors’ logo, > The web lounge will have the sponsors’ name on all the conference signage and floor plans, > Logo recognition and hyperlink on the official website (sponsors’ page), > Personalised screensaver with the sponsors’ logo and name, > Homepage set to the sponsors’ website.
VIP Lounge 15 000 € this area is open to organizers’ guests and speakers. they will be able to relax, exchange enjoying a quite environnement, coffee and refreshments. > Signage for the VIP lounge with the sponsor’s logo, > Logo on the special invitation sent by the organizers to VIP and guests, > Sponsorship recognition on the bar and coffee tables « offered to you by… », > Logo recognition on the conference website (sponsors’ page), > Logo recognition on the conference programme.
Delegate bags 15 000 € distributed to all delegates upon arrival. the bags contain the conference material: programme, floorplans, cityguide… Bags are supplied by the organizer. > Logo on the front of the delegate bags, > Promotional insert in the delegate bags (flyer or brochure), > Logo recognition on the conference website (sponsors’ page), > Logo recognition in the conference programme.

See Platinium options

See Silver options