Wednesday, April 18th

 9h – 10h30 : Parallel Sessions
  • T1ePortfolio
    • White-book presentation « the ePortfolio in higher education » J. Heutte
    • What would the impacts of deploying un ePortfolio on the academic and institutional framework.I. Houot, N. Issenmann & S. Nowakowski

  • T4 – Cloud computing and facility pooling
    • Structuring digital development : the UnivCloud projectJ-F. Maynier & F. Bigrat

  • MINES International Track
  • T1 – Digital technologies to help documentation
    • Péd@gothèque : a directory of digital academic resources, a new service for students from pays de la LoireN. Postec, J. Worlfarth & S. Guédon
    • BibliMed : a 2.0 approach to biomedical documentary researchF. Boutin
    • BABORD+, an innovative interface for documentary research at the PRES Université de BordeauxD. Coudrin

  • Cartography of researchA. Boyer
10h30 – 11 h : Break
11h – 12h30 : Parallel sessions
  • T1 – Eportfolio
    • Digital services, development models and supporting skill buildingJ-M. Jullien
    • Digital signatures to place individuals at the center of their skill capital S. Largue & D. Markowski
    • Promoting professional identity in psychology through the ePortfolioL. Gagnière & G. Molinari
    • EpfMG : ePortfolio for general medecine. An academic social networkG. Lefèvre, J-C. Schwartz, Y. Sallou, S. Mahéo & T. Koscielniak

  • T2 – Mobilité
    • Feedback on a mobile application in an engineering schoolK. Fronton & K. Quelennec
    • A simplified internet acces through UnivNautesJ-F. Maynier & F. Bigrat
    • AllSchools : a mobile platform for students’ academic informationF. Carlier & J. Wolfarth
    • Pooling of mobile services between UNRsJ-F. Maynier & R. Baer

  • T4 – International experience feedback
    • The eLene2learn European network – Information and Communication technologies to support the development of skills to learn in the transition between secondary and higher education.D. Arnold & F. Ducreau
    • 3 exemples of transition from research to teaching through digital technologies, assessed by a european award (MEDA) and a surveyG. Casanova
    • Distance education solidarity model : feedback on the EBAD – UTM partnershipE. Castex & I. Lo
    • Are web technologies efficient tools to support colaborative work of research teams ?L. Sauvé, L. Renaud & Mario Lepage

  • 12h30 – 14h00 : Lunch
    14h00 – 15h30 : Plenary session with
    • Diana Oblinger, President of Educause
    • Vijay Kumar, Senior Associate Dean & Director, Office of Educational Innovation and Technology – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    15h30 – 16h00 : Break
    16h00 – 17h30 : Closing ceremony