Tuesday, April 17th 2012

 9h00 – 10h30 : Plénière
 9h00 – 9h20 : Henry Verdier, CapDigital
 9h30 – 10h30 : Dominique Cardon & Ziryeb Marouf : Enterprise Social Networks & HR 2.0, problems and prospects
10h30 – 11 h : Break
11h – 12h30 : Parallel sessions
  • Track MINES
    • New tools for development of digital technology and its usesK. Dib – MESR-DGESIP-MINES, T. Bedouin – MESR-DGESIP-MINES
    • Performative vision of digital services – K. Dib – MESR-DGESIP-MINES, D. Reymond – University of South, Toulon-Var
  • T2Digital technologies and impairment
    • Universal conception, specific conceptionA. Boyer, A. Bretagnolle
    • OCELLES : ans LSF bilingual collaboration platformC. Moreau, V. Geffroy & A. Vanbrugghe
  • T1Digitally accompanying success
    • Partial digital relocation of an academic programG. Vincke, A-C. Wauthy, B. Bihin & E. Depiereux
    • Online personalized academic programs as a solution to help our students persevere and succede in their studies ?L. Sauvé
    • Learning in our online spaceR. Hotte
    • How to transition from simply using digital resources to an integrative dynamic ?J-L. Bergey
  • T1 Serious games
    • Serious game and lifelong learning program – feedback F. Calvez
    • Pharmacie Bourquelot : A Serious Game about the care of asthmatic patientsA. Bouziane, F. Brion, X. Bonnier, V. Lasserre, P. Albaret, T. Koscielniak & F. Cadé
  • T1Broadcasting resources
    • Visio-Podcast plateform at ULCO and Nord-Pas-de-Calais’ UNRJ-Y. Théry, F. Dooremont & M. Drollet
    • Documentary production at the Communication and Information Technologies integration Center : the 2iE case F. Semporé
    • Open academic ressources to access the Grandes Ecoles : a collaboration opportunity with the Digital and thematic universitiesN. Van de Wiele, R. Sénéor, J.-P. Archambault, G. Athanaze
    • IUTenligne, the IUT’s digital campus : 10 year to transition from a national offering to an international strategyS. Paronneau
  • Industrial Track : Microsoft Education Global trends in education, ICT, and employability

  • Networking / Workshop : Feedback on the Barcamp Practices participative web and social media in higher education – C. Batier, F. Bocquet, I. Gonon & G. Casteignau
  • 12h30 – 14h00 : Lunch
    14h00 – 15h30 : Parallel Sessions
    • T3C2i, a digital skills certification for professional integration :
      • C2i and the new bachelor’s degree N. Denos
      • C2i and professional integration N. Postec
      • A new C2i option for Human Sciences studentsG. Toninato

    • T4 – Territorial pooling and the UNR’s impactKhadija Dib
      Panel with:
      • Patrice Roturier, UEB@Campus
      • Catherine Mongenet, UNR en région Alsace
      • Didier Paquelin, UNR en région Aquitaine
      • Thierry Bédouin UNR Paris IdF
      • Yves Duthen, UNR Midi Pyrénées
      • Jean-Michel Antoine, UNIRE

    • T1 – Social network and learning
      • Accompanying students and teachers through an academic social network – An original partnership between Unisciel and BeebacM. Beaugeois, S. Labidi & B. Gaillard
      • Using a networking platform (Ning) to increase students’ involvementF. Mangenot
      • Social networks and collaborative learning in university : innovative practices in a connected societyA. Lehmans & E. Chomienne
      • Collaborative writing for online open classesJ-M. Guillot & S. Garlatti

    • T1 – Digital Technologies’ Usage and Practices
      • Toward a better understanding of academic platforms and digital working environmentsP-A. Muller, B. Amerein-Soltner, M. Dargent, R. Galani & S. Meza
      • Students and their digital practices : analysing their expectations regarding remote learning programs.D. Paquelin & C. Dussarps
      • MCQ, from evaluating to learningM. Menou

    • Cartography of research : Track 1 – Panorama of French research into e-education
      • Mapping of research: first elements from the survey – A. Boyer, University of Lorraine, project manager MESR-DGESIP-MINES
      • Challenges and opportunities for the use of digital technology in higher education An emerging field of research at the French Institute of Education – E. Sanchez, EducTice-S2HEP/IFE/ENS of Lyon
      • The appropriation of collaborative technologies in high school: what can we learn from a negative result?M. Baker, Research Director, CNRS – Telecom ParisTech
      • Applications to e-learning research at Inria – P. Guitton, Research Director, Inria
      • R & D in e-education Cap Digital – H. Verdier, Cap Digital

      • Networking / Workshop : CSIESR
    15h30 – 16h00 : Break
    16h00 – 17h30 : Parallel Sessions
    • T3 – Implementing the C2i
      • Online identity management, a key C2i skillB. Le Berre
      • A mobile tool for C2iR. El Boussarghini
      • Direct and Remote Preparatory training for C2i2e : mixing them ? tools to regulate and evaluate ? E. Villiot-Leclercq, L. Dhorne, C. Charroud & P. Dessus
      • Digital citizenship and autonomyD. Markowski
    • T4 – Campus overview
      • the reasons behind a digital universityP-B. Toubol
      • Stakes and impacts behind an information and Communication technologies group in a UNRC. Faure
    • T1 – Workshop “social networks and learning”
      • Return in experience on the Barcamp : “Online collaborative practices ans social media in higher education”C. Batier, F. Bocquet, I. Gonon & G. Casteignau
      • MINES’ workgroup

    • T4 – CIL / CNIL round-table
      • Local Freedom and Digital technologies correspondentJ-L. Tessier

    • Cartography of research : Session 2 : R&D in e-education : PIA developing an e-education digital economy
      • Projet national SUP E-educ – A. Mayeur, University of Valenciennes – Coordinator of the project functional
  • Industrial Track : Microsoft Education : Preparing for the future – The Cloud for Education (+Moodle) : Your Campus in the Cloud –A. Pearce and T. Koscielniak

  • Networking / Workshop : CSIESR
  • Stating at 19h30 : Cocktail