Louise Sauvé

Holding a Master and Ph.D in educational technologies from Montreal University, Dr Louise Sauvé has been a tenured professor at UER Education of the Télé-université since 1982. As president and director of the Society for Lifelong Learning (SAVIE), she manages cross-disciplinary and cross-institutions teams for which she obtained major research contracts.
Experiences researcher, she has been awarded many times throughout her career, more particularly, the award for excellence and innovation in learning technologies from the Canadian Network for academic innovation in 2008, for ENJEUX-S; the Medal from Quebec National Assembly in 2006, for her contribution to Quebec’s society as director of SAVIE; the Special award from Education minister for her contribution to Quebec’s education (2006), the Honor Certificate from REFAD for her contribution to remote learning (2006); a mention for the award from Education minister (2005), the Award for excellence in research from ACED in 2000 and the Phillippe Marton award for her contribution to educational technologies.
Dr Sauvé spoke at more than 250 conferences and workshops of national and international scales, she wrote 20 classes for remote university and published more than 160 articles in 6 different languages, and about 60 research reports alongside 13 books. She designed more than 15 online learning environments. Her fields of research and expertise in remote learning and the information highway include work on personalized online program to aid with learning and focus, personalizing formations in the workplace, games and simulations, design methodologies for designing interactive multimedia environments, real time or delayed collaboration tools. In 2010, Dr Sauvé published two books with Dr Kaufman: Jeux éducatifs et simulations : études de cas et leçons apprises (PUQ) et Educational Gameplay and Simulation Environments: Case Studies and Lessons Learned (IGI Global).

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