Dominique Cardon

Dominique Cardon is a sociologiste at the laboratoire des Usages of Orange Labs and researcher associated to the Centre for study of social actions (CEMS/EHESS). He is currently working on the use of the Internet and the transformation of the digital public space. His recent works include social networks, online identity forms, amateur self-production and the analysis of collaboration and leadership in large online groups.
He overviewed the publication of two special issues of the “Réseaux” magazine on « online social networks » (n° 152, December 2008) and « Web 2.0 » (n° 154, March 2009). He published “La démocratie Internet”, Paris, Seuil/La République des idées, 2010 and with Fabien Granjon, “Mediactivistes”, Paris, Presses de Science po’, 2010.

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