Daniel Filatre

Daniel Filâtre was re-elected president of Toulouse 2-Le Mirail University for a one year term on March 15th 2011.
Sociology teahcer, he runs Toulouse 2-Le Mirail University since March 2006, and was re-elected in 2008. He was elected president of the Lifelong Learning and professional integration commission of the CPU (Confederation of University Presidents) in december of 2010.
In march of 2009, he was appointed co-president of the masterisation commission with recteur William Marois, ad announced the termination of his participation in this group on June 10th 2009.
He obtains his CPAES (French teacher Degree) in 1987 in Economics and social sciences. He teaches in secondary school in Orléans-Tours academy before becoming temporary research assistant at Toulouse 2 University from 1988 to 1992. He gets his Ph. D from Toulouse 2 in 1992.
He then holds a chair until 1998, as he become a faculty member and starts leading research projects. he has managed the professional master “Sociology applied to local management”. He also is director of the CERTOP-CNRS since January of 2003, and member of the Conseil scientifique du Réseau de recherche sur l’enseignement supérieur (RESUP), with support from the Ministry of Research and member of the international Association of French Speaking Sociologist. his research and writings focus on public policies for higher education, social policies and local public acion.
Daniel Filatre is an Officier de l’Ordre des Palmes académiques. .