Session 1 : Overview of French e-education research

Cartography of research, first results of the survey
Anne Boyer, Université de Lorraine, mission manager MESR-DGESIP-MINES
A presentation with the objective to provide an overview of the first results from the survey aiming to realize a cartography of French research in e-education

Challenges and opportunities in using digital technologies in higher education. A growing research field at the French Education Institute
E. Sanchez, EducTice-S2HEP/IFE/ENS of Lyon
in a context aiming to develop collaboration, to personalize and digitize the formations, the French Education Institute included digital technologies for higher education in its research program. This leads to works inside international partnerships exploring opportunities and challenges raised by integrating digital technologies in academic practices. This research gave birth to projects about professional development seen through an academic use of digital technologies. The presentation aims to give an overview of this research and its first results.

Collaboration technologies in high school : what can we learn from negative results
Michael Baker, Research manager CNRS, CNRS – Telecom ParisTech

Inria research transposed to e-education
Pascal Guitton, Research manager, Inria

Some of Inria’s teams work directly on e-education. Though, as the profession itself considers digital technologies’s impact to be major, not only them, but a big part of Inria’s research is concerned, from computer sciences to applied mathematics and engineering.

The Inria wishes to support this sociological end economical sector’s evolution by making our researchers aware of its applications, testing new approches, especially through the partnership Inria – digital universities, and helping to enlarge the role and education of digital sciences in the French academic system.

R&D in e-education at Cap Digital
H. Verdier

Animateur : Clara Danon