
Higher education organization have now entered the digital era, be it in their infrastructures, the services available or the digital academic resources offered. Today, we have to take a step forward, at a time of mutation in the way knowledge is transferred and shared, and in which our universities live in a competitive international space. We have to anticipate the campus of tomorrow, open, connected and working in new educational time and space. Digital technologies should provide leverage and opportunity to enhance educational and learning practices for a generation of students with new ways of living, working and communicating, who like the flexibility it can bring into their education and their integration. From the professional field to the educational (scholar and lifelong), including research and campuses, all actors are concerned.

In our continually evolving world, it is essential that we share our experiences and practices. The CIUEN, which takes place every two years, plays this part. Lyon will be in 2012, after the 3 previous editions, the occasion for the CIUEN to reaffirm its position as the preferred sharing space of an active community developing the academic uses of digital technologies. Two evolutions should be noted : firstly, there will be less conferences, but of high quality, leaving plenty of time for the attendees to share and meet, secondly, the shared location with the World Wide Web Conference www2012, with which CIUEN will share exposition and restoration space. The connection between these two major events will make of CIUEN a unique occasion to attend high quality presentation and to share with actors, researchers and managers from the public and private world through the label “Lyon Web Capital” .

Alain Coulon, manager for the Higher Education Strategy and Professional Integration service at the the General Administration for Higher Education and Professional Integration of the Higher Education and Research ministry.