PostHeaderIcon WebScience CFP

The second Web Science Conference (WebSci 2010) will be held in conjunction with WWW2010 at the Raleigh Convention Center on April 26-27. Interested authors, please see the call for papers. The submission deadline is January 29. Possible topics for submission include:

  • On-line lives: individuals and organizations shopping, dating, learning, networking
  • Trust and privacy
  • Evolving  technologies – protocols, practice and policies
  • The pro-human web in an unequal world: access, inequalities and agendas for change
  • Web futures: possibilities critiques and challenges
  • The Web and the state: nationalism, politics, democracy
  • Governance control and power
  • Knowledge, education, and scholarship – the potential and effects of crowdsourcing and long tails
  • Intellectual property and the Commons
  • The dark side of the Web – such as cybercrime, pornography and terrorism

PostHeaderIcon CFP Update: Posters

The WWW2010 Poster track continues the tradition of providing researchers and practitioners an opportunity to present and demonstrate their new and innovative work-in-progress to their peers in an informal setting. It gives  attendees a forum where they can learn about on-going research projects that might not yet be complete, but whose preliminary results are potentially interesting. It also provides presenters with an opportunity to receive feedback from knowledgeable peers.

Please see the list of conference topics for guidance on the scope of submissions.

Submission Details

The poster proposals should be submitted via:

The deadline for Poster submissions is January 26th, 2010, 09:00PM PDT.

The submission details for posters are the same as for the refereed Papers track, except that the length is limited is 2 pages (no extra pages can be purchased) and no revisions can be made to accepted posters. XHTML versions of accepted posters are not required.

Posters will be peer-reviewed by the Posters Committee based on originality, significance, quality, and clarity. Poster authors are not required to transfer copyright. Accepted poster papers will be allocated 2 pages in the conference proceedings.  In addition to the 2-page submission, accepted poster authors will be asked to generate a full-size poster and possible demonstration to be displayed in a dedicated poster area and presented during a poster session at the conference. Awards will be presented for the Best Poster and the Best Student Poster.

Questions about poster submissions can be sent to directly to the Poster track chairs:

  • Deepayan Chakrabarti, Yahoo! Research (USA):
  • Anthony K. H. Tung, National University of Singapore (Singapore):
  • Evaggelia Pitoura, University of Ioannina (Greece):

PostHeaderIcon Nov 2 Submission Deadline

A quick note to remind authors that full versions of paper and demo submissions are due November 2, before 09:00 PM PST. Only authors who submitted abstracts before the October 26 deadline are eligible to submit full versions of their work.

PostHeaderIcon Abstracts due for WWW2010

A quick note to remind authors that abstracts for papers and demos are due October 26, before 09:00 PM PDT.

All submissions can be made via the following site:

see the WWW 2010 CFP for more details:


PostHeaderIcon CFP Update: Tutorials

Authors submitting tutorial proposals, please note that tutorials should have a format of either 3 hours or 6 hours in duration. The 1.5 hour option has been removed at the suggestion of the Program Committee.

PostHeaderIcon CFP Update: Submissions

The paper submission site is now open. Authors should visit the following link to submit their materials:

Authors must create a record for their paper within October 26,  09:00PM PDT and submit the abstract (but not necessarily the full paper in PDF format). The abstract should be at most 2000 characters long, describe the problem being solved and the approaches used in a few sentences, so as to facilitate assignment of the full paper to reviewers. Authors will not be able to submit a full paper if they do not have an abstract in the system within the deadline. Choose one primary and up to 5 secondary topics. Use the drop down menu to select topics. Be inclusive rather than exclusive, so that a larger section of reviewers can view your submission and bid if they feel like.

There is no need to submit an abstract before the October 26 deadline to make a poster submission.

PostHeaderIcon CFP Update: Posters

Posters submissions will now be handled separately. Please check the WWW2010 Blog for forthcoming details on poster submission format and deadlines. (Authors who have already submitted a poster will be allowed to withdraw and submit later.)

PostHeaderIcon CFP Update: Demos

Please note the Call For Papers guidelines for demos has been updated to remove certain ambiguities. It now reads as follows:

Demo papers should be focused on new Web technology, advances in applying Web technology, or innovative use of Web-based techniques. Demo papers must be submitted in camera-ready format and are limited to 4 pages. They should describe the demonstrated system, indicate what is going to be demonstrated, and state the significance of the contribution to the Web technology or applications. Proposals must not be published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.

PostHeaderIcon CFP Update: Submissions

Authors who intend to submit abstracts by the October 26 deadline, please note, the online submissions process will open on October 18. There is no need to anonymize submissions. The submission link is:

PostHeaderIcon CFP Update: Panels

Authors who intend to submit a Panel proposal should follow the guidelines provided below.

Panels Call for Participation

  • Proposal submission deadline: December 11, 2009
  • Acceptance notification: January 21, 2010
  • Camera ready proposals (with confirmed panelists) due: February 11, 2010

Panels should focus on emerging technologies, controversial issues, or unsolved problems in the World Wide Web community. The goal of a panel is debate–therefore, panels should always reflect more than one point of view.

Panels should be provocative and lively and should inspire thoughtful, engaged discussion, at the event itself and beyond. We expect the panelists to actively engage the audience and help them gain a deeper understanding of important and of controversial issues.

All areas of interests to WWW participants are acceptable as a panel topic. Please contact us before the deadline if you have an idea you would like to discuss with us for suitability. Panel proposals will be accepted on the basis of their audience appeal, credentials of panelists, originality, and focus on disputed topics.

Panel Proposal Submission Procedure

Submissions should include:

  • Panel title
  • Panel organizer(s)/moderator(s)
  • Short description of the topic (suitable for inclusion in the program)
  • Panel objective, scope, and target audience
  • Detailed description of the topic, including suitable references
  • List of the debatable points of view
  • Panel format (e.g., presentations, Q&A, etc.) including a detailed timeline covering all activities - (the entire panel duration should be 90 minutes)
  • The names and affiliations of the panelists, and their credentials in the form of a short bio for each
  • A statement for each panelist, indicating whether the panelist’s participation is (a) confirmed or (b) pending in the case s/he has already been contacted and is not yet committed or (c) not yet contacted. At submission time, we expect that at least 50% of the panelists would have been confirmed, in particular senior panelists. Do not list unconfirmed panelists who are unlikely to participate.
  • Short paragraph stating the credentials/bios of organizer(s), moderator(s) and each panelist.
  • The panel proposal should also indicate whether other similar panels have been formed recently in other conferences or workshops. If so, what is the difference?

Proposals should be no more than 5 pages in length and can be submitted in either HTML or PDF. Please use CMT (Conference Management Service) to upload panel submissions: Inquiries can be sent to panels at – if you have a panel idea you would like to discuss but are unsure about, please contact us.

Panel format

Panels should last 90 minutes and typically include three to five panelists plus a moderator. Be creative about the panel format - use whatever means is necessary to get the panelists points over most clearly and succinctly, such that points of contrast and debate are clear to audience members. A typical format includes:

  • moderator introduction
  • brief position statements by domain experts (it’s essential that this part does not exceed a total of 30 minutes divided by all panelists)
  • discussions (at least 40 minutes divided by all participants)
  • closing statements from panelists and moderator

You are welcome to use various forms of media and props to help engage the audience. We also strongly encourage you promote your panel among those people you know will be interested in the topic as part of a more general promotion of the www2010 conference.

Duties of the Panel Moderator(s)

The panel moderator is the most important participant in a panel. The most important part of the moderator’s job occurs well before the conference begins and the panel happens. It is the duty of the moderator to frame the panel, and write and enticing and inviting description of the panel. Be controversial! It is also the panel moderators job to invite panelists, with our help if needed, and to ensure the panelists prepare lively and controversial initial presentation and come prepared to engage in a lively debate as part of the panel. Panel moderators thus must spend a significant amount of grooming and promoting the panel, and “herding cats”, i.e., getting the panelists to adequately prepare pitches and making sure that each panelist will have a distinct non-trivial message or role.

The moderator must take an active role during the panel to stimulate debate, ensure that the panelists stay on time and on track and to encourage audience participation.

A panel should not be a stage for panelists to give a series of unrelated lectures. The details of how the panel is run in terms of audience involvement is up to the panel moderator and the panelists, but we recommend that you strongly encourage and inspire active audience participation. We will give preference to panels that plan to actively engage the audience - Be creative! Be provocative! Use physical props, SMS and microblogging services. If you need help setting these up, we will do what we can to help you.

Panels Co-Chairs

  • Prabhakar Raghavan, Yahoo! Research (USA)
  • Elizabeth Churchill, Yahoo! Research (USA)
Host Institutions
North Carolina State University University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Proceedings published by:


Organized in cooperation with the ACM and the International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee:


In association with the W3C:

