
  • Document representation, corpus and language modeling
  • Enabling higher-level applications: implicit search, mashups, etc.
  • Faceted, enterprise, desktop search
  • Federated and P2P search, metasearch, rank aggregation
  • Generic search and mining platforms such as Map-Reduce
  • Indexing and retrieval of Web rich-media content
  • Indexing, index compression, distribution, caching
  • Natural language, summarization, suggestions, spell correction
  • Negative content filtering: spam, porn, viruses, etc.
  • Query processing, retrieval, ranking, relevance and diversity
  • Querying and searching the Semantic/Data Web, including combinations with statistics, soft computing and distributed approaches
  • Ranking in semistructured repositories,
  • Sampling corpus statistics and search results
  • Search APIs and standards, RSS/ATOM, OpenSearch
  • Search engine evaluation and measurements
  • Security and privacy issues in search
  • Selection and ranking for search and contextual advertisements
  • Semantic search: entity retrieval, geo/temporal search, sub/super-documents
  • Use of social metadata and annotations in search and mining
  • User models, query logs, click logs, personalization
  • Verticals: multimedia, blogs, news, research papers, e-commerce, etc.
  • Web crawling and change monitoring

Data Mining and Machine Learning

  • Analysis of online communities including blogs, social media sites, and tagging systems
  • Change detection and monitoring methods
  • Collaborative filtering and content ranking using social media
  • Community discovery, social network analysis, social media analysis and structure modeling
  • Data extraction and wrapper generation
  • Document representation, corpus and language modeling
  • Efficient algorithms for large-scale analysis
  • Exploration and visualization
  • Integrating linguistic and domain knowledge
  • Large-scale schema and information extraction, integration, uncertainty, provenance
  • Machine learning for ranking applications
  • Mining multimodal data like images with tags
  • Named entities, relationships and the general information extraction
  • Opinion mining and sentiment analysis
  • Other novel Web data mining algorithms
  • Personalization and recommendation systems
  • Privacy issues in web mining
  • Query log, click trail, and traffic data mining
  • Sampling corpus statistics and search results
  • Scalable machine learning and data mining techniques for media data analysis
  • Schema and data integration, and data cleaning
  • Semantic annotation and metadata, in particular, automated approaches
  • Social reputation, recommendation, and trust management
  • Spatio-temporal mining
  • Statistical models for topics, authors, time, user actions, etc.
  • Statistical techniques and/or NLP for Web data mining
  • Structured Data Extraction from Unstructured Text
  • Text, web page and metadata clustering and classification
  • Uncertain data mining
  • Use of social metadata and annotations in search and mining

Social Networks and Communities

  • Access control, rights management, and security of social content
  • Community and social mechanisms for the definition of semantics of data, and metadata and ontology creation
  • Community discovery, social network analysis, social media analysis and structure modeling
  • Measuring and explaining properties of social networks
  • Models for social networks and their evolution
  • Social media
  • Social reputation, recommendation, and trust management
  • Social trust and reputation management
  • Use of social metadata and annotations in search and mining
  • Use of social networks and communities for collaborative content and tag creation

Bridging Structured and Unstructured Data

  • Approximate and trustworthy query answering
  • Data management support for Web crawling
  • Data sharing incentives and risks
  • Data stream management systems
  • Discovering and representing structure  within or accompanying unstructured Web text
  • Fine-grained sharing, access control, privacy, security
  • Hidden Web, resource discovery, retrieval and integration
  • Integration of text into XML and relational databases
  • Large-scale schema and information extraction, integration, uncertainty, provenance
  • New models and query languages for Web data
  • Query languages and query processing systems
  • Ranking in semistructured repositories,
  • Relational data on the Web
  • Semistructured representation
  • Structured Data Extraction from Unstructured Text
  • Use of XML for data integration, access, ranking
  • Web wrappers and deep/hidden Web

Semantic Web

  • Applications of Semantic Web formats for enterprises, learning and science
  • Blogs, wikis, browsers, crawlers, harvesters, search engines and other applications that produce and consume the Semantic/Data Web
  • Community and social mechanisms for the definition of semantics of data, and metadata and ontology creation
  • Large-scale approaches for generating and handling Linked Open Data
  • Ontologies and knowledge representation languages, tools, algorithms
  • Provenance, trust and security using semantics and applying to semantics
  • Querying and searching the Semantic/Data Web, including combinations with statistics, soft computing and distributed approaches
  • Re-purposing of data, information, and multimedia using semantics
  • Semantic annotation and metadata, in particular, automated approaches
  • Semantic Web services

Security and Privacy

  • Access control, rights management, and security of social content
  • Applications of cryptography to the web, including PKI and supporting concepts like digital signatures, certification, etc.
  • Authentication, authorization, and auditing on the web
  • Browser security issues, including attacks, defenses, and policy models
  • Content protection and abuse on the web (DRM, web/blog spam, etc.)
  • Dealing with client-side risks
  • Economic / business analysis of Web security and privacy
  • Electronic commerce, particularly security mechanisms for e-cash, auctions, payment, and fraud detection
  • Fine-grained sharing, access control, privacy, security
  • Legal and legislative approaches to issues of Web security and privacy
  • Privacy-enhancing technologies, including anonymity, pseudonymity and identity management, specifically for the web
  • Provenance, trust and security using semantics and applying to semantics
  • Secure and robust management of server farms
  • Security for new web services (blogs, web feed, wikis, social networks, etc.)
  • User interfaces and usability as they relate to use of cryptography in the web and online scams such as phishing and pharming
  • Wireless web security (including RFID, sensors, and mobile phones)

Internet Monetization

  • Ad serving infrastructure
  • Advertising infrastructure: tools, platforms, networks, exchanges, automation, audience intelligence
  • Computational advertising: sponsored search, content match, graphical ads delivery, targeting
  • Digital payment systems
  • Economic approaches to spam/fraud control
  • Economics aspects of online reviews, reputations, and ratings
  • Economics aspects of user privacy, data value, and control
  • Economics of information/digital goods
  • Intellectual property and digital rights management
  • Internet auctions, markets, and exchanges
  • Machine learning and data mining applied to auction theory and user modeling in the context of Internet monetization
  • Monetizing digital media, user generated content, and the social web
  • Monetizing the mobile Web
  • Network neutrality and network pricing
  • ROI framework and management tools
  • Social commerce
  • User behavior analysis and web analytics for e-commerce
  • User Experience Design aspects of Web Monetization mechanisms

Software Architecture and Infrastructure

  • Ad serving infrastructure
  • Adaptive and personalized Web applications
  • Case studies, best practices and experiment reports for Web application development
  • Conceptual modeling of Web applications
  • Deployment and usage analysis of Web applications
  • Domain-specific languages and approaches for Web application development
  • Empirical Web engineering
  • Federated and inter-organizational Web applications
  • Mobile Web applications and device-independent delivery
  • Model-driven Web application development
  • Object-oriented and component-based Web application development
  • Patterns for Web application development and pattern mining
  • Processes and methods for Web application development
  • Quality of service and service level agreements (SLAs)
  • Search APIs and standards, RSS/ATOM, OpenSearch
  • Semantic Web services
  • Testing and evaluation of Web applications
  • Web application architectures and frameworks
  • Web content management and data-intensive Web applications
  • Web engineering in the context of Web science
  • Web service engineering
  • Web service-based architectures and applications
  • Web services, service oriented architectures, rich Internet programming APIs, application specification models
  • Web standards for collaborative applications
  • Web-based workflows and collaborative Web applications

Performance, Scalability and Availability

  • Availability and fault-tolerance
  • Caching and replication
  • Capacity planning and resource provisioning
  • Cloud computing, software as a service
  • Content and service delivery, edge services
  • Improving the performance, scalability and availability of real-world Web systems
  • Load balancing and resource allocation
  • Monitoring and management of Web-based services
  • Overlay networks and content-aware routing
  • Performance modeling
  • Performance of Internet streaming and multimedia systems
  • Performance of peer-to-peer systems and services (e.g., TV, voice)
  • Quality of service and service level agreements (SLAs)
  • Virtualization technologies in Web systems
  • Workload and performance characterization

Networking and Mobility

  • Content and service delivery
  • Data management for mobile and wireless applications
  • Edge services
  • Implementations and experimental mobile systems
  • Location Based Services
  • Mobile Search and Advertising
  • Mobile Search interfaces
  • Mobile Web
  • Mobile Web 2.0 applications
  • Mobile Web applications and device-independent delivery
  • Networking aspects of Web and cloud computing
  • Overlay networks and content-aware routing
  • Peer-to-peer mobile computing
  • Performance, Reliability, Intermittent Connectivity
  • Quality of network service and service level agreements (SLAs)
  • Security and privacy in mobile applications
  • Streaming and network resource allocation
  • Technologies and authoring techniques for mobiles, desktops and TVs
  • Wireless web security (including RFID, sensors, and mobile phones)

User Interfaces and Rich Interaction

  • Adaptive and adoptable web interfaces
  • Audio, speech, and multi-modal interfaces for the web
  • Collaborative and social filtering, and interactive recommendation systems
  • Computer-supported cooperative work on the Web
  • Context-Aware interactions
  • Design and evaluation of web interactions
  • Design and maintainence of online communities
  • Experience reports and case studies for collaborative open applications
  • Exploratory search and sensemaking
  • Field studies and user studies of information retrieval needs
  • Information visualization and visual analytics
  • Intelligent user interfaces
  • Interactive information retrieval
  • Interactive machine learning
  • Mobile web interfaces and tangible/haptic interaction techniques
  • Novel interaction techniques
  • Personalization and group-oriented retrieval and interfaces
  • Social data analysis and analytics
  • Social media and blog analysis
  • Social network analysis
  • Ubiquitous computing interfaces for the Web
  • User interface toolkits for Web applications
  • Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 applications and web services

Rich Media

  • Applications of Web rich media: biomedicine, education, entertainment, animation, art, cultural studies, Enterprise communications, customer service, etc.
  • Context-capture of rich-media data
  • Indexing and retrieval of Web rich-media content
  • Novel applications
  • Rich media semantic computing
  • Rich media systems: capture, recording, protocols, content delivery, integration, convergence (across media), interoperability (of contextual data) correlation (across media types), synchronization, wireless, authoring, capture, recording, etc.
  • Rich media visualization
  • Scalable machine learning and data mining techniques for media data analysis
  • Social media
  • Storage, retrieval of multimedia interactions vs content
  • Tagging of rich-media data

Web Services and Service-Oriented Computing

  • Web services models
  • Semantic Web services
  • Security for new web services (blogs, web feed, wikis, social networks, etc.)
  • Web service engineering
  • Web service-based architectures and applications
  • Web services, service oriented architectures, rich Internet programming APIs, application specification models
  • Tools for analyzing, designing,  composing, publishing and discovering Web services