Author Registration Policy

Accepted refereed papers and posters must be presented at the conference by an author who is registered to attend. Conference registration is mandatory. Accepted papers and posters of non-registered authors will be withdrawn from the program and the conference proceedings without exception.

Language Policy

English is the official language of the conference. All papers and posters presented must be in English.

Copyright Policy

Accepted refereed papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and will also be accessible to the general public on the WWW2010 web site. Authors of accepted papers are required to sign the IW3C2 Copyright Release Form. Poster authors are not required to transfer copyright.

Duplicate Submission Policy

Duplicate submissions are not allowed. A submission is considered to be a duplicate submission if, at any time during the time when the submission is under consideration, there is another paper with the following properties:

  1. the paper and the WWW submission have at least one author in common;
  2. the paper is more than 4 pages long, when formatted in the WWW format;
  3. the main technical content of the paper substantially overlaps that of the WWW submission; and
  4. the paper is published or under consideration for publication in a refereed journal or proceedings (electronic or printed) that is generally available (e.g., not limited to conference attendees).

Authors are expected to agree to the following terms:

I understand that the paper being submitted must not overlap substantially with any other paper that I am a co-author of and that is currently submitted elsewhere. Furthermore, previously published papers with any overlap are covered prominently in this submission.

Duplicate submissions will be rejected. Questions about this policy or how it applies to your work should be directed to the technical program chair.