PostHeaderIcon WebScience CFP

The second Web Science Conference (WebSci 2010) will be held in conjunction with WWW2010 at the Raleigh Convention Center on April 26-27. Interested authors, please see the call for papers. The submission deadline is January 29. Possible topics for submission include:

  • On-line lives: individuals and organizations shopping, dating, learning, networking
  • Trust and privacy
  • Evolving  technologies – protocols, practice and policies
  • The pro-human web in an unequal world: access, inequalities and agendas for change
  • Web futures: possibilities critiques and challenges
  • The Web and the state: nationalism, politics, democracy
  • Governance control and power
  • Knowledge, education, and scholarship – the potential and effects of crowdsourcing and long tails
  • Intellectual property and the Commons
  • The dark side of the Web – such as cybercrime, pornography and terrorism

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Host Institutions
North Carolina State University University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Proceedings published by:


Organized in cooperation with the ACM and the International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee:


In association with the W3C:

