W3C Track

Room: Paris L-1 (1st  Floor Left Wing)   

Please see updated informations on the official W3C Track page

Sign in and suggest topics of discussion in the mobile widgets camp wiki at

Sign in and suggest topics of discussion in the social Web camp wiki at

Thursday 23rd
Mobile Widgets Camp

11:30-13:00   Opening
- Mobile Widgets and the Future of the Web(Dan Appelquist, Vodafone)
- Mobile Widgets (Charles McCathieNevile, Opera Software)
- Unleashing mobile user-provided services (Telefonica)
- Selection of Topics of Discussion for the afternoon sessions

14:30-16:00  Session 1

16:30-18:00  Session 2 (including presentation of mobile widgets)

Friday 24th Social Web Camp

11:30-13:00   Opening
- Social Web at W3C (Harry Halpin, University of Edinburgh)
- FOAF update and planning (Dan Brickley, Vrije University)
- Selection of Topics of Discussion for the afternoon sessions

14:30-16:00   Session 1
16:30-18:00   Session 2 (including presentations of semantic Web tools)

Session Format

* The participants will identify 2 to 4 topics for discussion during sessions 1 and 2 each day.
* There will be places for people to gather to write code.
* Selected code will be presented (as lightning talks) during the last 20 minutes of session 2.

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ctic mid+ Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio Ministerio de Administraciones Públicas

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