Tutorial T8-A - Interactive Television and the Web


Interactive Television and the Web


Half day


Interactive Television, IPTV, Mobile TV, Web TV, Social Communication, User-generated content, Software architecture


Pablo Cesar
Institution: CWI, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Email: p.s.cesar@cwi.nl
Homepage: http://homepages.cwi.nl/~garcia/
Konstantinos Chorianopoulos
Institution: Ionian University, Corfu, Greece
Email: choko@ionio.gr
Homepage: http://www.ionio.gr/~choko


In this tutorial we examine research literature and commercial services and ask two simple questions: What is the scope of social and interactive TV research on the Web? Can it help us reinvent the practices of producing, distributing, and using mass media, such as TV? Rather than defining an over arching framework, we have identified three simple metaphors that have guided interactive TV research up to this day: interactive TV as control of audiovisual content, interactive TV as content creation practice, and, finally, interactive TV as a communication genre, which supports social processes. We propose this taxonomy so that designers of future interactive TV applications on the Web can choose their path of research, with awareness of other directions that have been explored in the past.


Pablo Cesar is a postdoctoral researcher at CWI (The National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands) in Amsterdam. He received a Dr. Tech. degree (December 2005) from Helsinki University of Technology (Finland) and a M. Sc. degree (February 2002) from Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain). Pablo Cesar has (co)authored over 40 articles (conference papers and journal articles) about multimedia systems and infrastructures, media sharing, interactive media, multimedia content modeling, and user interaction. He is, as well, involved in standardization activities (e.g., SMIL from W3C).  He is co-editor of the TOMCCAP special issue “Human-Centred Television: Directions in Interactive Digital Television Research”. In addition, he was the general chair of the 5th European Interactive conference (EuroITV2007) and has given tutorials about Interactive Digital Television in prestigious conferences such as ACM Multimedia and WWW Conferences.

Konstantinos Chorianopoulos is a Lecturer in the Department of Informatics at the Ionian University, Corfu, Greece. He holds an MEng (Electronics and Computer Engineering, 1999) an MSc. (Marketing and Communication, 2001), and a Ph.D. (Human-Computer Interaction, 2004). During his studies and research, he has been affiliated with engineering, business, and applied arts universities. Since 1997, he has worked in four academic research labs (Greece, UK, Germany), which specialize in the areas of multimedia, e-commerce, intelligent systems and interaction design. He has participated in many EC-funded research projects in the field of human-computer interaction for information, communication and entertainment applications in TV, mobile, and situated computing devices. In 2002, he founded UITV.INFO, which is a newsletter and web portal for interactive television research resources (papers, theses), news and events. He is the main author of more than ten journal papers and he has lectured internationally (conferences, tutorials, seminars, guest lectures) on several aspects (design, engineering, science, art) of interactive TV. He is serving on the steering committee of the European Interactive TV organization and on the editorial boards of ACM Computers in Entertainment and of the Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting.

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Asociación de Técnicos de Informática bcs etsit EUITT Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
ctic mid+ Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio Ministerio de Administraciones Públicas

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