Program for the 18th International World Wide Web Conference, 20-24 April 2009, Madrid
We want your slides and photos
Monday 20
Rooms XL-1 L-1 M-1 XL-2 L-2 M-4 S-2a S-2b S-2c S-2d M-2
Workshops Tutorials
08:00 18:30 Registration: everyday the same time, except Wednesday. BOF request: anytime.
09:00 Cross-Disci­plinary Conference on Web Acces­sibility
09:30 Linked Data on the Web Information Credibility on the Web Web Search Result Summari­zation and Presentation Mashups, Enterprise Mashups and Light­weight Compo­sition Search Metrics: User Satisfaction Social Computing Hello Open World - The Web of Data Acces-sibility for the Modern Web Query Log Mining
11:00 Coffee
13:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:30 Motivation and Incentives Online advertising Learning to Rank for Retrieval Interactive Television and the Web
16:00 Coffee
16:30 18:00
19:00 21:00 Painting Room - W4A Dinner
Tuesday 21
Rooms XL-1 L-1 M-1 XL-2 L-2 M-4 S-2a S-2b S-2c S-2d M-2
Workshops Tutorials
08:00 09:00 San Jose Room: Yoga@WWW2009
09:00 Cross-Disci­plinary Conference on Web Acces­sibility
09:30 Adversarial Information Retrieval on the Web Web People Search Evaluation Workshop Semantic Search Content Analysis in the WEB 2.0 From SOA to REST - Designing and Imple­menting RESTful Services Online Trust and Reputation Systems Rules on the Web Extracting, Searching and Mining Semantic Annotations on the Web
11:00 Coffee
13:00 Lunch Lunch
14:30 Mobile Web Applications and Widgets Under­standing Web communities
16:00 Coffee
16:30 18:00
12:00 14:00 Tim Berners-Lee and Vinton Cerf, Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad Politénica de Madrid
Wednesday 22
Rooms XL-1 L-1 M-1 XL-2 L-2 M-2 S-2a S-2b Registration Hall
Tracks SocialNetworks InvitedTalks IberoAmerica DataMining Developer Panels XML Security WebEngineer Posters
07:45 18:30 Registration: closed between 10:00 and 11:30. Arrive early: special security measures. BOF request
Press cutting
08:00 09:00 San Jose Room: Yoga@WWW2009
09:00 Audi- torium Opening: Mary Ellen Zurko, IW3C2 Chair - Juan Quemada, Conference Co-Chair
Web 20th Anniversary Panel
10:30 Inauguration ceremony: The Princes of Asturias. Access forbidden between 10:15 and 10:30.
Keynote: Reflecting on the last 20 years and looking forward to the next 20, Tim Berners-Lee
10:30-17:00 Posters 1
11:30 Coffee Press confe­rence with Tim Berners-Lee and Vinton Cerf
11:45 Recommender Systems Web: Ideal Interface Click Models Invited Talk Living Web: Making its Diversity a true asset XML Extraction and Crawling End User Web Engineering
12:15 12:45 Mobile Widgets
13:15 Lunch
14:30 Interactions in Social Communities Linked Data BOF Ibero-America papers Graph Algorithms New Program­ming Environ­ments Cancelled: Multimedia Search XML Querying Service Oriented Development
16:00 Coffee
16:30 Diffusion and Search in Social Networks Text Mining Mashing Up Solutions to Old Problems New Media Challenge to Traditional Media Web Security Web Architecture Aspect
18:00 19:00 Auditorium: Welcome Reception hosted by the Fundación ONCE. Flamenco show: La Niña de los Cupones.
19:45 23:00 Google@ElPrado. By invitation only.
Thursday 23
Rooms XL-1 L-1 M-1 XL-2 L-2 M-2 S-2a S-2b Registration Hall
Tracks Search Privacy W3C InvitedTalks IberoAmerica DataMining Developers Panels SocialNetworks RichMedia WebEngineer UserInterfaces Posters
08:00 09:00 San Jose Room: Yoga@WWW2009
09:00 Audi- torium Keynote: The Continuing Metamorphosis of the Web, Alfred Z. Spector 10:30-17:00 Posters 2
09:45 The Emergence of Web Science Panel
11:00 Coffee
11:30 Search User Interfaces Mobile Widgets Camp Opening Patents Software? Statistical Methods Invited Talk Web Search APIs: The Next Generation Photos and Web 2.0 Client Side Web Engineering
12:00 12:30 Wild Web
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Query Processing Mobile Widgets Camp 1 Linked Data BOF Opinions Perfor­mance and Scala­bility Panel on Multilingual Web Sites Media Applications Mobile Web
16:00 Coffe
16:30 18:00 Web Privacy Mobile Widgets Camp 2 Ibero-America papers Learning Semantic Web Human Computation Games BOF Tagging and Clustering User Interfaces
19:30 21:30 Conference Dinner, Mirador del Olivar Golf Course. Dinner talk: A Tale of Two or Three Conferences, Professor Dame Wendy Hall.
Friday 24
Rooms XL-1 L-1 M-1 XL-2 L-2 M-2 S-2a S-2b Registration Hall
Tracks Search W3C InvitedTalks IberoAmerica DataMining Performance Developer Panels Monetization Semantic DataWeb Posters
08:00 09:00 San Jose Room: Yoga@WWW2009
09:30 Audi- torium Keynote: Web infrastructure for the 21st Century, Pablo Rodriguez 10:30-17:00 Posters 3
10:15 Keynote: Mining the Web 2.0 for Better Search, Ricardo Baeza-Yates
11:00 Coffee
11:30 Caching and Indices Social Web Camp Opening Web Mining Search The role of the Telco in the new Web Web Monetization Semantic Data Management
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Query Categorization Social Web Camp 1 Ibero-America papers Performance Lightning Talks and Demon­stations Web Accesible Interfaces Sponsored Search Linked Data
16:00 Coffee
16:30 Ads and Query Expansion Social Web Camp 2 Data and the Cloud Open Innovation: Open Labs Mining for Semantics
18:15 19:00 Closing Ceremony
Last updated: 12 November 2021 - Proceedings - Photos - M.T. Carrasco Benitez