General CFP
| Data Mining | Industrial Practice and Experience | Internet Monetization |
Performance, Scalability and Availability | Rich Media | Search | Security and Privacy |
| Semantic / Data Web | Social Networks and Web 2.0 | User Interfaces and Mobile Web |
|Web Engineering | WWW in Ibero-America | XML and Web Data |
| Developers Track | Panels | Posters | Tutorials | Workshops |
Rich Media
New challenges in browsing, indexing, and retrieval have emerged due to the popularity of sites such as Flickr and YouTube that enable users to store, share and find rich media data such as video, images, audio, and music. The volume of rich media being transmitted and searched for on the Internet surpassed that of text due to the phenomenal amount of user generated content. The use of rich media by Enterprises has increased as well with corporate podcasts, multimedia training and recorded communications. Rendering this rich media searchable and bridging the multimedia semantic gap is a blend of content analysis and meta-data, ranging from contextual information to user generated tags, comments, and ratings. Management of rich media data is essential to support effective index and search and to ensure efficient bandwidth utilization. This rich media track encourages contributions dealing with Web-scale media-data management on the following relevant topics:
- Indexing and retrieval of Web rich-media content
- Tagging of rich-media data
- Context-capture of rich-media data
- Scalable machine learning and data mining techniques for media data analysis
- Applications of Web rich media: biomedicine, education,
entertainment, animation, art, cultural studies, Enterprise
communications, customer service, etc. - User interfaces, multi-modal interaction, virtual environments
- Rich media systems: capture, recording, protocols, content delivery, integration, convergence (across media), interoperability (of contextual data) correlation (across media types), synchronization, wireless, authoring, capture, recording, etc.
- Storage, retrieval of multimedia interactions vs. content
- Rich Media Semantic Computing
Paper formatting requirements are provided on the Submission page.
Track Chairs
- Nicu Sebe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Doree Seligmann, Avaya Labs, USA
Program Committee
- Noboru Babaguchi (Osaka University, Japan)
- Susanne Boll (University of Oldenburg, Germany)
- Edward Chang (Google, China)
- Tat-Seng Chua (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
- Chitra Dorai (IBM Research, USA)
- Alan Hanjalic (TU Delft, Netherlands)
- Alex Hauptmann (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
- Thomas Hofmann (Google, Switzerland)
- Alejandro Jaimes (Telefonica R&D, Spain)
- Mohan Kankanhalli (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
- Jussi Karlgren (SICS, Sweden)
- Rainer Lienhart (University of Augsburg, Germany)
- Stephane Marchand-Maillet (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
- Bernard Merialdo (EURECOM, France)
- Mor Naaman (Yahoo!, USA)
- Frank Nack (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Vincent Oria (NJIT, USA)
- Shin'ichi Satoh (NII, Japan)
- K. Selcuk Candan (Arizona State University, USA)
- Alan Smeaton (Dublin City University, Ireland)
- Hari Sundaram (Arizona State University, USA)
- Marcel Worring (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Andrew Zisserman (University of Oxford, UK)