General CFP
| Data Mining | Industrial Practice and Experience | Internet Monetization |
Performance, Scalability and Availability | Rich Media | Search | Security and Privacy |
| Semantic / Data Web | Social Networks and Web 2.0 | User Interfaces and Mobile Web |
|Web Engineering | WWW in Ibero-America | XML and Web Data |

| Developers Track | Panels | Posters | Tutorials | Workshops |

Panels - Call For Participation

Proposal Submission deadline & Acceptance notification | Panel Program Committee | Duties of the Panel Moderator(s)

Proposal submission deadline:

December 21, 2008

Acceptance notification:

January 26, 2008

Panels should focus on emerging technologies, controversial issues, or unsolved problems in the World Wide Web community to stimulate lively, thoughtful, and thought-provoking debate. We expect the panelists to actively engage the audience and help them gain a deeper understanding of the issues. The goal of a panel is to debate and thus panels should always reflect more than one point of view.
All areas of interest to WWW participants are acceptable as a panel topic. Panel proposals will be accepted on the basis of their audience appeal, credentials of panelists, originality, and focus on disputed topics.

Panel Proposal Submission Procedure

Proposals should be 4-6 pages long and can be submitted in either HTML or PDF. Please send proposals for WWW2009 panels directly via the Panel Proposals Submission Site. A rolling acceptance policy will be followed: panel submissions will be considered as they arrive, and while most will receive deferred decisions, some may be immediately accepted or returned to the proposer for improvement.Inquiries can be sent to: panels-www2009 at

Panels should last 90 minutes and typically include three to five panelists plus a moderator. Be creative about the panel format. A typical format includes:

You are welcome to use various forms of multimedia presentations to help engage the audience.

Panels Program Committee

Panels Chair:

Program Committee: To be announced.

Duties of the Panel Moderator(s)

The panel moderator is the most important participant in a panel. The moderator must take an active role during the panel to ensure that the panelists stay on time and on track and to stimulate debate.
The most important part of the moderator's job, however, occurs well before the panel starts. It is the duty of the moderator to force the panelists to prepare lively and controversial initial presentations and to be prepared for the debate part of the panel. Panel moderators thus must spend a significant amount of time "herding cats", i.e., getting the panelists to adequately prepare their pitch and making sure that each panelist will have a distinct non-trivial message or role. A panel is not a stage for panelists to give unrelated frontal presentations; we will give preference to panels that plan to actively engage the audience - be creative!

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Asociación de Técnicos de Informática bcs etsit EUITT Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
ctic mid+ Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio Ministerio de Administraciones Públicas

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