This is the second issue of the WWW2007 Newsletter. In this issue:
Congratulations to our draw prize winners, who had entered their names at the WWW2007 booth at WWW2006 in Edinburgh. The draw prizes were courtesy of the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel and the WWW2007 organizers.
A visionary in Web applications and open source software, Dick Hardt has been active in technology development for two decades. His most recent venture, Sxip Identity, is the leader in Identity 2.0, creating simple, secure, and open solutions for the next generation of Internet identity. The plenary talk by Dick Hardt on Saturday, May 12 will focus on Identity 2.0 in the context of E*-Applications.
A pioneer in the Internet sector and open source software community, Dick has been active in software development for nearly two decades. His first commercial software work started in 1986 at Consumers Software where he ported one of the first LAN email packages, the Network Courier, to Windows 1.03. In 1997 he founded ActiveState, which became a leader in open source programming languages and anti-spam software and was acquired by UK-based Sophos in 2003. Dick has also demonstrated leadership in funding the Major Projects Fund for the BC Technology Social Venture Partners, a charitable foundation to support groups serving children, women at risk and people living in Vancouver's downtown eastside. In 2000, he received the Business in Vancouver Top 40 Under 40 award.
Read more at http://www2007.org/hardt.php
The deadline for submitting workshop proposals is fast approaching. WWW2007 workshops are intended to provide a forum for highly interactive discussion on focused topics. Workshop proposals should address current Web-related issues which can benefit from small-group information exchange and discussion.
Proposals must include a description of the workshop's topic, its anticipated outcome, its relevance to WWW2007, as well as the previous experience of the proponents in organizing similar events. All proposals must be submitted in PDF format by October 20.
Preliminary inquiries can be sent to www2007workshops@iw3c2.org.
Read more at http://www2007.org/prog-Workshops.php
The WWW2007 submission site is open, and papers are already being submitted. At the time of writing, there are 3 submissions registered already.
The deadline for paper submissions is November 20. This is a hard deadline.
Formatting and submission instructions can be found at http://www2007.org/submission.php
The WWW2007 Newsletter will be sent periodically, roughly once every month leading up to the conference. The newsletters will be archived in the 'Media and Publicity' section of www2007.org
Contact the WWW2007 Publicity Chair, (Denilson Barbosa, denilson@ucalgary.ca) with news and/or announcements for upcoming editions of the Newsletter.
For subscribing or unsubscribing to the WWW2007 Newsletter, please send email to contact@iw3c2.org