This is the third issue of the WWW2007 Newsletter. In this issue:
The deadline for paper submissions to WWW2007 is less than a month away! WWW2007 seeks original papers describing research in all areas of the Web. All refereed papers must be submitted on or before November 20, 2006 (by 11:59pm Hawaii time). This is a hard deadline: NO EXTENSIONS!!
In addition to regular papers, we also solicit submissions of position papers articulating high-level architectural visions, describing challenging future directions, or critiquing current design wisdom. The WWW2007 technical program will be divided into 13 tracks, and authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an enhanced version of their work for a special issue of the ACM Transactions on the Web.
The Call For Papers, with the complete list of research tracks, program committee members, as well as formatting and submission details can be found at http://www2007.org/cfp.php
The deadline for submitting Tutorial proposals to WWW2007 is also fast approaching. Tutorial proposals are desired for both half-day and full-day sessions on topics of current and ongoing relevance to Web design, services, operation, use, and evaluation.
Proposals must clearly identify the learning objectives, the target audience, the relevance to the WWW2007 audience, references to relevant material, and a short biography of the presenter(s).
The deadline for submitting Tutorial proposals is November 27, 2006.
Formatting and submission instructions can be found at http://www2007.org/prog-Tutorials.php
Finnegan Henderson and Google join the University of Calgary as Silver Sponsors of WWW2007.
Finnegan Henderson is a law firm specializing in intellectual property law. The firm has traditionally specialized in the high tech sector, and has represented clients in the areas of gene therapy, multimedia content delivery systems, cardiocare products, and Internet operating systems. In 2002, the firm was included for the first time in American Lawyer's list of the 100 largest U.S. law firms. Finnegan Henderson is the only law firm in the listing that focuses exclusively on intellectual property law.
Google is a global technology leader focused on improving the way people connect with information. Google's innovations in Web search and advertising have made its Web site a top Internet destination and its brand one of the most recognized in the world. Google maintains the world's largest online index of Web sites and other content. Google's automated search technology helps people obtain nearly instant access to relevant information from its vast online index.
More information at http://www2007.org/sponsors.php
Until November 1, you can get a Super EarlyBird Passport for $1295 CDN. Only 20 such passports will be available, and 12 have been requested already. The regular Early Registration deadline is March 5, 2007.
Two registration options are available for WWW2007. The conference Passport covers all 5 days of the event, while the 3-day ticket covers any 3 consecutive days of the conference. Full registration gives you access to the welcoming reception; tutorials; workshops; core conference sessions, including plenaries, panels, posters, and refereed papers; proceedings CD; exhibit area; daily lunch and coffee breaks; plus the Thursday evening banquet buffet at Brewster's MountView Barbecue.
The on-line registration system will be activated in early November. Please note that the registration fees are not yet finalized. Tentatively, the Passport registration will cost $1350 CDN (by March 5), while the 3-day registration will cost $800 CDN (by March 5). Early registration fees for students are $800 CDN (Passport) and $500 CDN (3-day).
More information at http://www2007.org/registration.php
If you are planning to attend WWW2007, please think seriously about making your hotel reservation soon. Hotel rooms are at a premium in Banff in the summer, both in price and availability. A large petroleum industry conference (http://www.piass.org) will make it even harder to find hotel rooms in Banff next May.
The main WWW2007 room block is at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel. We encourage as many of you as possible to stay there, perhaps sharing a room if necessary. The room block is open now for booking.
The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel is located in a spectacular setting in the Rocky Mountains, just above the Bow Falls, and within walking distance of downtown Banff. The main view from the hotel is across the valley and towards Mount Rundle.
The hotel, built over a century ago by the Canadian Pacific Railway in a Scottish baronial style, marked the beginning of the tourism boom for Banff National Park. Today, it retains its historic elegance and magnificent views of the Bow River and surrounding peaks, but now includes modern amenities that make for a luxurious lodging experience, including a world-class spa, 10 restaurants and bars, golf course, tennis courts, pool, and gym. High speed Internet access is also available.
The Banff Springs is a one-of-a-kind hotel in a truly breathtaking setting. And yes, the conference rate of $279 CDN per night (plus service charges and taxes) is really a fabulous deal. Check it out!
More information at http://www2007.org/hotel.php
The WWW2007 Newsletter will be sent periodically, roughly once every month leading up to the conference. The newsletters will be archived at the 'Media and Publicity' section of http://www2007.org/
Contact the WWW2007 Publicity Chair, (Denilson Barbosa, denilson@ucalgary.ca) with news and/or announcements for upcoming editions of the Newsletter.
For subscribing or unsubscribing to the WWW2007 Newsletter, please send email to contact@iw3c2.org