This is the sixth issue of the WWW2007 Newsletter. In this issue:
The online registration site for WWW2007 is now open!
WWW2007 offers great flexibility for attendees to choose from 3 types of registration passes:
WWW20007 attendees opting for the 1-day or 3-day registration pass can also add an extra 1-day ticket to create a customized 2-day or 4-day registration, if desired.
Registration information is at http://www2007.org/registration.php
WWW2007 is pleased to announce Microsoft as a Gold Sponsor, and Vodafone as a Silver Sponsor.
Microsoft is a worldwide leader in software, services, and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. With over 30 years of history, Microsoft is a multi-national computer technology corporation with over 70,000 employees in 102 countries. Microsoft develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of software products for computing devices. Besides its Windows operating system and Office productivity suite, which have achieved near ubiquity in the desktop computing market, Microsoft has strong presence in the corporate business market, as well as the entertainment and gaming industries.
Vodafone Group Plc provides an extensive range of mobile telecommunications services, including voice and data communications. Vodafone is the world's leading international mobile telecommunications group with equity interests in 25 countries and Partner Networks in a further 35, with a proportionate customer base of over 191 million. For more information, please visit www.vodafone.com. Vodafone has been working in a number of areas to improve browsing capabilities on the mobile platform, most notably as a founder-sponsor of W3C's Mobile Web Initiative.
More information at http://www2007.org/sponsors.php
WWW2007 received 27 tutorial proposals, from which 12 were selected to be part of the conference. The accepted tutorials are:
Further information on tutorials is provided at http://www2007.org/prog-Tutorials.php
WWW2007 will host three exciting co-located events:
The World Organization of Webmasters (WOW) is offering a special pre-conference tutorial for Web developers, entitled "Best Practices in Web Development and Design". This full-day tutorial is scheduled for Monday, May 7. Details are at http://www2007.org/wow.php
Starting with WWW2007, the Web for Accessibility (W4A) event is now a 2-day conference, instead of a workshop. The main theme of W4A this year is "Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web: Hindrance or Opportunity?", focusing on the challenges in improving accessibility for the new crop of Web technologies. More information on W4A, including the Call for Papers, can be found at http://www.w4a.info/
The Web History Track is organized by the Web History Center, a non-profit whose mission is to make public the history of the World Wide Web and preserve it for posterity. This will be a unique opportunity to see the history of the Web, e-commerce, and the WWW conference series, as told by those who helped build them. Bring materials to contribute! The Web History Track is organized on the 10th anniversary of the world's first Web History Day, at the 1997 WWW conference in Santa Clara. The preliminary program is at http://www2007.org/webhistory.php
The next imminent deadlines for WWW2007 are for Developers Track (DevTrack) papers, poster papers, and workshop papers.
WWW2007 solicits short papers and demos for the Developers Track. This is a track by developers, for developers. Submissions will be judged based on how relevant, interesting, and useful they are to working Web developers. This year's DevTrack is sponsored by AOL. Part of their funding will be used as travel support for independent developers who would otherwise be unable to attend WWW2007. Please contact the track chairs for further details about this opportunity.
Submissions will be accepted until February 1, 2007. More information is at http://www2007.org/cfp-Developers.php
WWW2007 continues the tradition of hosting a Poster Track to provide a unique and interactive opportunity for researchers to present their new and innovative work-in-progress, and to obtain feedback from their peers in an informal setting. Posters will be peer-reviewed by members of the program committee based on originality, significance, quality, and clarity. Accepted papers are allocated 2 pages on the conference CD and in the ACM digital library.
The deadline for poster submissions is February 12. More information at http://www2007.org/cfp-Posters.php
A total of 9 workshops were chosen by the Program Committee for the WWW2007 conference. WWW2007 workshops provide a forum for highly interactive discussion on specific and current Web-related issues. All WWW2007 workshops will take place on Tuesday, May 8.
Each workshop has a separate Call for Papers. Submission deadlines vary from early February to early March, depending on the workshop. Web sites with submission instructions and important dates for each workshop can be found at http://www2007.org/prog-Workshops.php
Note that notification decisions for the WWW2007 refereed paper tracks will be sent out on January 29, 2007.
WWW2007 will be held at the fabulous Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, an icon of the resort town of Banff. This elegant historic hotel is nestled spectacularly in the mountains, overlooking Bow Falls and the Bow River Valley, and is a 20-25 minute walk from downtown Banff.
Hotel rooms are at a premium in Banff in the summer, both in price and availability. The hotel reservation deadline is March 15, 2007. Please book early to avoid disappointment. Our room block is 28% full already, and the Saturday night rooms are close to sold out. Our February newsletter will provide a list of recommended overflow hotels for WWW2007, if needed.
Visit http://www2007.org/hotel.php for hotel reservation information.
The WWW2007 Newsletter will be sent periodically, roughly once every month leading up to the conference. The newsletters will be archived at the 'Media and Publicity' section of the WWW2007 Web site.
Contact the WWW2007 Publicity Chair, (Denilson Barbosa, denilson@ucalgary.ca) with news and/or announcements for upcoming editions of the Newsletter.
We have made every effort to keep the circulation of the newsletters amongst those interested in receiving them. If you are not in this group, please accept our apologies; we ask you to send an email to contact@iw3c2.org requesting to be removed from our mailing list.