This is the fifth issue of the WWW2007 Newsletter. In this issue:
Send us your ideas for an exciting WWW2007 panel!
WWW2007 panels should focus on emerging technologies, controversial issues, or unsolved problems in the World Wide Web community. Panels are expected to stimulate lively, thoughtful, and sometimes provocative discussions. Panelists are expected to actively engage the audience and help them broaden their understanding of the issues.
Proposals should be 4-6 pages long and can be submitted in either HTML or PDF. Please send proposals for WWW2007 panels to www2007panels@iw3c2.org
See Call for Panels CFP for full details: http://www2007.org/cfp-Panels.php
Prabhakar Raghavan, head of Yahoo! Research, is confirmed as a plenary speaker for WWW2007. His research interests include text and web mining, and algorithm design. He is a Consulting Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the ACM. Raghavan received his PhD from Berkeley and is a Fellow of the ACM and of the IEEE. Prior to joining Yahoo, he was Senior Vice-President and Chief Technology Officer at Verity; before that he held a number of technical and managerial positions at IBM Research.
The WWW2007 Program Committee will review 755 research papers, out of 767 submissions (some were withdrawn or did not meet quality standards).
This is the largest number of submissions in the history of the World Wide Web Conference. This makes WWW2007 a very competitive venue, ensuring a very high quality program and keeping the tradition of the WWW conference series.
WWW2007 also received 32 proposals for workshops (see note below), and 27 proposals for tutorials. We are looking forward to a very exciting and high quality technical program.
A total of nine workshops were chosen by the Program Committee for the WWW2007 conference. They are:
Workshops will take place on the first day of the conference, Tuesday, May 8th. Websites with submission instructions and important dates for each Workshop can be found at http://www2007.org/prog-Workshops.php
Yahoo! has been confirmed as the first Gold Sponsor for WWW2007.
Yahoo! Inc., headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, is a leading global Internet brand and one of the most visited Internet destinations worldwide. Yahoo!'s mission is to connect people to their passions, their communities, and the world's knowledge. Yahoo! is also strongly committed to fundamental research aiming at creating groundbreaking technology that will improve the online experience of our users. Yahoo! Research has operations in 6 offices in the US, Latin America and Europe, and counts on some of the most successful researchers in areas such as data management, artificial intelligence, information retrieval, algorithms and theoretical computer science.
SAP, the third largest independent software provider in the world, has been confirmed as a WWW2007 sponsor. Founded in 1972 as Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing, SAP serves more than 36,000 customers worldwide, making it the world's largest business software company. Recognized as a leader in providing collaborative business solutions for all types of industries and for every major market, SAP has a rich history of success and employs more than 38,400 people in more than 50 countries today.
The WWW2007 Newsletter will be sent periodically, roughly once every month leading up to the conference. The newsletters will be archived at the 'Media and Publicity' section of the WWW2007 Web site.
Contact the WWW2007 Publicity Chair, (Denilson Barbosa, denilson@ucalgary.ca) with news and/or announcements for upcoming editions of the Newsletter.
We have made every effort to keep the circulation of the newsletters amongst those interested in receiving them. If you are not in this group, please accept our apologies; we ask you to send an email to contact@iw3c2.org requesting to be removed from our mailing list.