Welcome to the first issue of the WWW2007 Newsletter. In the coming months, we will keep you up to date with what's happening in preparing for the WWW2007 conference in Banff. In this issue:
The blogosphere took notice of WWW2006 in Edinburgh, and the consensus is it was a great conference. From the Semantic Web to musings about conference-style buffets. From automated tagging of blogs to Edinburgh, the "Northern Athens". Nothing escaped the bloggers.
Check the 'Media and Publicity' section of http://www2007.org for some of the blogs that have covered WWW2006.
Bill Buxton, Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research and Associate Professor at University of Toronto, has accepted the invitation and will be one of the featured plenary speakers at WWW2007, talking about social networking and the use of Web technology. Bill is one of the most influential researchers in Human-Computer Interaction, specializing in the use of technology for supporting creative activities, such as film-making, music, and design.
For more information, visit http://www.billbuxton.com
WWW2007 is still 8 months away, but our first registration has been processed already. Angela Towers, who works in ICT Services at the University of Southampton, officially registered on July 21, 2006. Way to go Angela!
If there are any other takers for a Super EarlyBird Passport ticket at $1295 CAN before November 1, please let us know!
Banff, Alberta is famous for its spectacular setting and unsurpassed hospitality infrastructure in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. This small town hosts close to 4 million visitors every year, attracted here by the world-class outdoor adventure, arts, and culture, or just by its warm and friendly environment.
Banff is situated in Banff National Park, which is Canada's first national park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Spanning 6,641 square kilometres (2,564 square miles) of valleys, mountains, glaciers, forests, meadows and rivers, Banff is one of the world's premier tourist destinations.
The WWW2007 Newsletter will be sent periodically, roughly once every month leading up to the conference. The newsletters will be archived at the 'Media and Publicity' section of http://www2007.org/
Contact the WWW2007 Publicity Chair, (Denilson Barbosa, denilson@ucalgary.ca) with news and/or announcements for upcoming editions of the Newsletter.
For subscribing or unsubscribing to the WWW2007 Newsletter, please send email to contact@iw3c2.org