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Developers Tutorial: Practical Microformats

  • Molly E Holzschlag, Independent Consultant, USA

Track: Developers

Microformats are extensions to existing XML applications, particularly XHTML, that give us features of the Semantic Web today. In this tutorial session, you'll explore what Microformats are, how they are authored, processed and used. Developers will learn how to actually apply useful Microformats, beginning with simple implementations such as XFN, and then seeing how more extensive and useful Microformats such as hCard and hCalender are not only implemented and processed - but to understand how to develop a Microformat too. This will immediately extend developer use of XHTML in realistic ways that can enhance site search, usability,interoperability, performance and usefulness. This session is geared at developers with a good understanding of HTML and XHTML. (General XML knowledge a plus, as is experience with XSLT. The information is technical but not difficult for experienced Web developers. This is not an appropriate course for managers or business developers unless they have technical experience.)

Molly E. Holzschlag is a well-known Web standards advocate, instructor, and author. She is Group Lead for the Web Standards Project (WaSP) and an invited expert to the HTML and GEO working groups at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Via each of these roles, Molly works to educate designers and developers on using Web technologies in practical ways to create highly sustainable, maintainable, accessible, interactive and beautiful Web sites for the global community. Among her thirty-plus books is the The Zen of CSS Design, co-authored with Dave Shea. The book artfully showcases the most progressive csszengarden.com designs. A popular and colorful individual, Molly has a particular passion for people, blogs, and the use of technology for social progress.

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