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Developer Panel: Authentication 2.0

  • Phillip Hallam-Baker, Verisign, USA
  • Jim Melnick, Verisign iDefense, USA
  • Kim Cameron, Microsoft, USA
  • Stephen Fowler, Clink Systems, UK

Track: Developers

Slot: 14:00-15:30, Friday 26th May

Authentication is the foundation of any security system, The good news for developers is that a new generation of Web authentication schemes is currently under development. The bad news perhaps is that there is a bewildering array of choices that appears to get larger by the day. Should developers adopt a Web Services based scheme or will extensions to HTTP serve? Will these new schemes be strong enough to withstand the next generation of attacks? In this panel you will hear three different perspectives on the authentication problem from leading advocates of the Web Services based and HTTP extension approaches and an expert on hacker technology to keep them honest.

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