xH: The new language you already know- Mark Birkbeck, x-port.net Ltd, UK
Track: Developers Slot: 16:00-17:30, Wednesday 24th May This talk presents a new development language--working title 'xH'--that uses standards-based languages such as XForms, XHTML, SVG, MathML and JavaScript to build cross-platform internet-facing applications. By leveraging existing languages, people are already familiar with much of xH, but they won't be familiar with using it to build applications.
Given the upsurge of interest in languages such as Flex and XAML, the idea of this talk would be to explain:
* making use of what you already know--using standard languages;
* combining languages with XHTML Modularisation, and the role of validation;
* which languages to use for which parts of an application;
* putting xH to use.