Categories and Subject Descriptors: H.3.3 [Information
Storage and Retrieval], I.7.5 [Document Capture]: Document
General Terms: Algorithms, Measurement,
Keywords: Language Modeling, Anchor Text, Link Spam
In this paper we concentrate on identifying hyperlinks between topically dissimilar pages. Our key result is the feasibility of the language model disagreement technique [7] for spam filtering in the scale of the entire Web, both in terms of algorithmic efficiency and quality. Mishne et al. [7] demonstrate that the distribution of words (a unigram language model) is a strong feature for telling legitimate and spam blog comments apart. We analyze inter-document relationship over the entire corpus by solving anchor text model comparison and prediction aggregation. We have similar goals as Davison [3] who trains a decision tree to distinguish navigational and link-spam links from the good ones. We target at penalizing links that are, in Davison's [3] terminology, nepotistic and ``are present for reasons other than merit.''
Links between topically unrelated pages may not necessarily be malicious; however they draw undeserved attention to the target. As examples, links to owners, maintainers, employee personal pages typically have no spamming intent but may have an effect of artificially ranking the target high. The widely investigated comment spam in blogs and guest books [7] form the malicious examples. Gyöngyi et al. [5] give more examples such as mirroring with the sole purpose of linkage to spam targets.
Our method fights a combination of link, content and anchor text spam. We catch link spam by penalizing certain hyperlinks and compute modified PageRank values as in [4,6,1,2]. At the same time we also identify content spam if it has no trusted source of backlinks from the same topic. Finally we directly penalize false anchor hits that give very high value in Web IR systems, although measurements of this effect are beyond the scope of this report. We also remark the possibility to combine our method with link farm [4,2] and navigational link [3] detection that detect different aspects of spamming and nepotism.
We present an algorithm that identifies hyperlinks where the language model of the target and the source disagree. We then feed suspicious edges into a weighted PageRank calculation [1] to obtain NRank, the ``nepotism rank'' of the page that we suggest be subtracted from the original PageRank values.
As in [7], our key ingredient is the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KL) between the unigram language model of the target and source pages. In fact it is infeasible to compute KL for all pairs of documents connected by hyperlinks. Two computationally easier tasks are to compare each anchor text to (i) the document containing it (as in [7]) and to (ii) the document pointed by it. While the former task is simply performed by a linear scan, the latter task requires an external memory sorting of all anchor text found.
We set aside the hyperlink if the corresponding language
models differ. Since we assume that a typical anchor spam is
generated by the owner of the page, we consider case (ii) above,
complementary to the malicious anchors of reputable pages in
[7]. We observe
best performance when we extend the anchor text by a few
neighboring words to properly handle very short anchor such as
; we obey segment boundaries defined by
HTML and punctuation.
By using Interpolated Aggregate Smoothing as in [7], the language model
for document has the form
![]() |
(1) |
As suggested in [7] the distribution of
(2) is a mixture of Gaussians. KL will have
normal distribution over the documents if all anchor text behave
the same since we sum random variables that correspond to words
and the words themselves have sufficient independence to yield a
normally distributed sum. If however we have fair and malicious
hyperlinks, the two categories will be biased towards the smaller
and the larger values, respectively. While observations fit very
well for case (i) anchor text and containing documents, for case
(ii) anchor text and pointed documents behave more complex with
spam taking lead around KL to 5 with a clear separating
component with mean around 10, as seen in Fig. 1. The figure is based on the manually
classified sample of [2].
In our algorithm we form the set of suspicious hyperlinks with KL value (2) above a threshold. We obtain NRank by feeding suspicious edges into PageRank by keeping edge above 7. Results are useful in the range 4-7; increased values of the threshold give NRank results farther from original PageRank and improve recall.
Torsten Suel and Yen-Yu Chen kindly provided us with a 31.2 M page April 2004 crawl of the .de domain. To evaluate the performance of our algorithms we used the manually classified stratified sample of [2]. The sample consists of 1000 pages and selected by first ordering the pages according to their PageRank value and assigning them to 20 consecutive buckets such that each bucket contained 5% of the total PageRank sum with bucket 1 containing the page with the highest PageRank. From each bucket 50 URLs are chosen uniformly at random, resulting in a 1000 page sample heavily biased toward pages with high PageRank which we manually classified into reputable and spam categories (see [6,2] for details).
We measure the efficiency of our method by assiging each page
to one of the 20 NRank buckets, the th NRank bucket
having exactly the same number of pages in it as the
th PageRank bucket.
In Figure 2, top, we see that the top
NRank buckets contain a very large amount of spam. And in Figure
2, bottom, we show how NRank
distinguishes between spam and reputable pages by plotting the
average difference between the PageRank and the NRank bucket
number separately in each PageRank bucket. On the average we
observe reputable pages have significantly larger demotion in
NRank compared to PageRank than spam pages. We show pages of the
.de click, a link farm with no useful
content separate, as these pages use a simplistic but coherent
e-commerce language. At low PageRanks legitimate pages are
penalized slightly more than spam ones; notice however the real
useful NRank penalties are never based on the bottom buckets.
Also note that manual spam classification is particularly noisy
at low qualities and the sample may also be less representative
Our experiments show the applicability of language model
disagreement along hyperlinks to differentiating among spam and
non-spam pages. A number of questions left to subsequent work are
as follows. Explore the effects of models and parameters (e.g.
use -gram
models, smoothing, different penalty functions) and assess
variants of the algorithm (e.g. by personalization). Measure the
effect of NRank and anchor text downweighting on precision for
popular or financially lucrative queries. Lastly evaluate the
combination of content and link based spam filtering schemes.
To Torsten Suel and Yen-Yu Chen for providing the .de web graph and Tamás Sarlós for many fruitful discussions.