Top  Tutorials / Workshops  Full Day Tutorials

Description of Full Day Tutorials

TF01    TF02    TF03    TF04    TF05

Tutorials TF02 and TF04 are cancelled.

TF01: Network and Web Services Security concepts using Java

Raghavan "Rags" Srinivas, Technology Evangelist, Sun Microsystems

Room: Sumire
Time: 9:00 — 17:30

Network and web services security concepts are fairly straightforward and simple to understand from a developer viewpoint, especially in conjunction with some working code that can be deployed on the Java platform and security tools that are generally available.

Attend this session to put into practice some of the concepts of security that you've heard or learnt and how to connect those dots to help in the implementation of real-life solutions. The session will walk through generating digests, signatures, generating and using keys and certificates to advanced concepts such as using Advanced Encryption Standards (AES). The newer concepts of web services security will be covered as well.

TF02: Content Repurposing

Zeljko Obrenovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
This tutorial is cancelled.

Online content is nowadays accessed through a variety of devices. This diversity of access devices includes desktop, laptop, and wearable PCs, set-top boxes, mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), as well as other Internet appliances. Hundreds of device profiles are already available for accessing online content, and this number is increasing everyday. These devices use various networks including slow-speed and high-speed wireless, dial-up and local area wired and wireless, and high-speed wired networks. Accessing online content is also influenced by many other factors such as user age and gender, types of activities, time availability, and prior knowledge of the subject matter. Developing content for every device, network, usage and their combinations is almost impossible task. In addition, this approach is expensive, takes a lot of time, and leads to multiple, often inconsistent versions of the content. Content repurposing attacks these problems by taking content designed for a particular platform and automatically repurposing it to suit another. In content repurposing we maintain a single copy of the content in its original form and repurpose it to fit the desired scenario in automated fashion. Importance of content repurposing has been recognised in multimedia community, for example, January-March 2004 issue of IEEE Multimedia magazine is dedicated to these problems.

TF03: Web Engineering: Developing Successful Web Applications In A Systematic Way

Yogesh Deshpande, University of Western Sydney
Martin Gaedke, University of Karlsruhe

Room: Yuri
Time: 9:00 — 17:30

The Web environment is characterised by millions of Web sites and thousands of Web-based applications. The numbers will continue to grow as more and more countries and organizations adopt and adapt to the Web. Good Web development requires understanding of numerous issues and strategies that span many disciplines, both computing and noncomputing. However, there are very few standard methods for the Web developers to use. To add to the complexity, user expectations and needs change over time. Web technologies and standards also continue to evolve. Consequently, even the successful Web sites and applications require constant attention and modifications that are best described more as evolution than just maintenance, as understood in software development. Hence, there is a strong need to understand and undertake Web engineering. Engineering has traditionally addressed the issues of process management and product development, adapting them to the local environment or users as needed. Web development is truly global in its scope, as implied by the W3C's Initiatives and Working Groups on personalisation, internationalisation and device independence, among others. Web Engineering reflects this global perspective in a systematic and multidisciplinary way. This tutorial will cover the issues of process management and product development in developing large Web sites and applications. It will analyse and highlight the challenges posed by the global perspective and present strategies that developers could follow for successful Web application development. There will be an extensive use of case studies throughout.

TF04: Automating Web Service Composition With HTN Planning

Jim Hendler, University of Maryland
Bijan Parsia, University of Maryland
Evren Sirin, University of Maryland
This tutorial is cancelled.

A key feature of Web Services, and of Service Oriented Architectures in general, is the prevelance of "machine readable", platform and language neutral, generic descriptions of various aspects of the Services. XML and XML schema provide descriptions of data, messages, and types. WSDL describes service interfaces. UDDI requires all sorts of description from the operational to quality of service to general service area (i.e., yellow pages description). These descriptions are intended support the automation of various service related tasks. WSDL, for example, can be automatically generated from many service frameworks and may be used to generate code stubs.

OWL-S is a set of service description ontologies designed to support richer description, and thus greater automation of, Web Services. OWL-S is designed to support the application of AI Planning techniques to automated composition of Web Services. This tutorial explores using OWL-S and planning to solve practical composition tasks. Participates will learn how to create OWL-S descriptions suitable for use by various sorts of AI planners starting with WSDL based descriptions. Participants will get both a general understanding of the planning field and specific hands-on experience with the SHOP2 hierarchical task network planner, specifically adapted to Web Services and the Semantic Web.

TF05: Internationalizing Web Content and Web Technology

Martin Dürst, World Wide Web Consortium
Richard Ishida, World Wide Web Consortium

Room: Suisen
Time: 9:00 — 17:30

Internationalization of Web content and Web technology means dealing with the world-wide variation in language, script, and culture. This tutorial starts with an introduction to writing system characteristics and how they affect Web technology. Next, character encoding is discussed in detail, with a focus on Unicode/ISO 10646 and encodings used in Asia. This leads to the model for character encoding on the Web, which is common to formats such as HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, and RDF, and practical advice for document encoding and labelling.

Besides internationalized content, we discuss International Domain Names (IDN) and International Resource Identifiers (IRI), two new technologies for making the Web experience more seamless for non-English and non-Latin users. We then continue with international markup, including language and bidirectional markup, international rendering and styling, including recent work on CSS3 focused on the needs of Asia, and international processing, including XSLT, XQuery, and Web Services.