Top  Program  Thursday

Thursday Program

Tutorials/Workshops Main Conference Developers' Day
Tuesday May 10 Wednesday May 11 Thursday May 12 Friday May 13 Saturday May 14
9:00 - 10:00
Keynote: Eric Brewer, University of California at Berkeley (Convention Hall)
"The Case for Technology for Developing Regions"
Session Chair:
Prabhakar Raghavan, Verity, Inc.
10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:00
[PT10] XML Query and Programming Languages (Room 301)
Session Chair:
Jim Webber, University of Sydney
  • "Sub-document queries over XML with XSQuirrel"
    • Arnaud Sahuguet, Bell Labs research
    • Bogdan Alexe, Ecole Polytechnique + ENST
  • "XJ : Facilitating XML Processing in Java"
    • Matthew Harren, University of California, Berkeley
    • Mukund Raghavachari, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
    • Oded Shmueli, Technion Israel Institute of Technology
    • Michael Burke, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
    • Rajesh Bordawekar, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
    • Igor Pechtchanski, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
    • Vivek Sarkar, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
  • "XQuery Containment in Presence of Variable Binding Dependencies"
    • Li Chen, San Diego Supercomputer Center
    • Elke Rundensteiner, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
[PT11] Web-based Educational Applications (Room 302)
Session Chair:
Lora Aroyo, Eindhoven University of Technology
  • "eBag - a Ubiquitous Web Infrastructure for Nomadic Learning"
    • Christina Brodersen, Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus
    • Bent Guldbjerg Christensen, Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus
    • Kaj Grønbæk, Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus
    • Christian Dindler, Department of Information- and Media Sciences, University of Aarhus
  • "Online Curriculum on the Semantic Web: The CSD-UoC Portal for Peer-to-Peer e-learning"
    • Sofia Pediaditaki, Department of Computer Science, University of Crete
    • Apostolos Apostolidis, Department of Computer Science, University of Crete
    • Dimitris Kotzinos, Department of Computer Science, University of Crete
  • "The Classroom Sentinel: Supporting Data-Driven Decision Making in the Classroom"
    • Mark K. Singley, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
    • Richard B. Lam, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
[PT12] Text Analysis and Extraction (Room 303)
Session Chair:
Filippo Menczer, University of Indiana
  • "Topic Segmentation of Message Hierarchies for Indexing and Navigation Support"
    • Jong Wook Kim, Arizona State University
    • K. Selcuk Candan, Arizona State University
    • Mehmet E. Donderler, Arizona State University
  • "Gimme' The Context: Context-driven automatic semantic annotation with C-PANKOW"
    • Philipp Cimiano, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe
    • Günter Ladwig, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe
    • Steffen Staab, Institute for Computer Science, University of Knoblenz-Landau
  • "Opinion Observer: Analyzing and Comparing Opinions on the Web"
    • Bing Liu, University of Illinois at Chicago
    • Minqing Hu, University of Illinois at Chicago
    • Junsheng Cheng, University of Illinois at Chicago
[IT04] Industrial and Practical Experience Track (Paper 2) (Room 304)
Session Chair:
Yuichi Nakamura, IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory
  • "The Infocious Web Search Engine: Improving Web Searching through Linguistic Analysis"
    • Alexandros Ntoulas, Infocious Inc.
    • Gerald Chao, Infocious Inc.
    • Junghoo Cho, University of California, Los Angeles
  • "How to make Web sites talk together - Web Service Gateway Solution"
    • Hoang Pham Huy, Hanoi University of Technology
    • Takahiro Kawamura, Toshiba R&D Center
    • Tetsuo Hasegawa, Toshiba R&D Center
  • "Diversified SCM Standard for the Japanese Retail Industry"
    • Koichi Hayashi, UL Systems, Inc.
    • Naoki Koguro, UL Systems, Inc.
    • Reki Murakami, UL Systems, Inc.
  • "Crawling a Country: Better Strategies than Breadth-First for Web Page Ordering"
    • Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Universidad de Chile
    • Carlos Castillo, Universidad de Chile
    • Mauricio Marin, Universidad de Magallanes
    • Andrea Rodriguez, Universidad de ConcepciÓn
[PANEL04] Panel (Room 201)
"Mobile Multimedia Services"
Behzad Shahraray, AT&T Labs - Research, USA
Wei-Ying Ma, Microsoft Research, China
Avideh Zakhor, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Noboru Babaguchi, Osaka University, Japan
[W3C04] W3C Track: Privacy and the Semantic Web (International Conference Room)
Session Chairs:
Giles Hogben, Joint Research Center of the European Commission
Thomas Roessler, W3C Technology and Society Team
12:00 - 13:30
Lunch (Exhibition Hall 8)
13:30 - 14:30
Keynote: Lorrie Cranor, Carnegie Mellon University (Convention Hall)
"Towards Usable Web Privacy and Security"
Session Chair:
Fred Douglis, IBM Research
14:40 - 16:10
[PT13] Web Engineering with Semantic Annotation (Room 301)
Session Chair:
Piero Fraternali, Politecnico di Milano
  • "Accessibility: A Web Engineering Approach"
    • Peter Plessers, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    • Sven Casteleyn, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    • Yeliz Yesilada, School of Computer Science
    • Olga De Troyer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    • Robert Stevens, School of Computer Science
    • Simon Harper, School of Computer Science
    • Carole Goble, School of Computer Science
  • "A Multilingual Usage Consultation Tool based on Internet Searching ---More than search engine, Less than QA---"
    • Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii, University of Tokyo
    • Hiroshi Nakagawa, University of Tokyo
  • "Improving Portlet aggregation through deep annotation"
    • Oscar Díaz, Department of Computer Languages and Systems, University of the Basque Country, Spain
    • Jon Iturrioz, Department of Computer Languages and Systems, University of the Basque Country, Spain
    • Arantza Irastorza, Department of Computer Languages and Systems, University of the Basque Country, Spain
[PT14] User-focused Search and Crawling (Room 302)
Session Chair:
Brian Davison, Lehigh
  • "CubeSVD: A Novel Approach to Personalized Web Search"
    • Jian-Tao Sun, Department of Computer Science, TsingHua University.
    • Hua-Jun Zeng, Microsoft Research Asia
    • Huan Liu, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Arizona State University
    • Yu-Chang Lu, Department of Computer Science, TsingHua University
    • Zheng Chen, Microsoft Research Asia
  • "Automatic Identification of User Goals in Web Search"
    • Uichin Lee, Computer Science Department, UCLA
    • Zhenyu Liu, Computer Science Department, UCLA
    • Junghoo Cho, Computer Science Department, UCLA
  • "User-Centric Web Crawling"
    • Sandeep Pandey, CMU
    • Christopher Olston, CMU
[PT15] Trustworthy web sites (Room 303)
Session Chair:
Oliver Spatscheck, AT&T Labs-Research
  • "An Abuse-Free Fair Contract Signing Protocol Based on the RSA Signature"
    • Guilin Wang, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
  • "SGuard: Countering Vulnerabilities in Reputation Management for Decentralized Overlay Networks"
    • Mudhakar Srivatsa, College of Computing, Georgia Tech
    • Li Xiong, College of Computing, Georgia Tech
    • Ling Liu, College of Computing, Georgia Tech
  • "Static Approximation of Dynamically Generated Web Pages"
    • Yasuhiko Minamide, University of Tsukuba
[PANEL05] Panel (Room 201)
"On culture in a world-wide information society: Toward the knowledge society - the challenge"
Alfredo M. Ronchi, Politecnico di Milano, Milano Italy
Lynn Thiesmeyer, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
Antonella Quacchia, International Labor Office, Geneve, Swiss
Georges Mihajes, Oslo Platform, Oslo, Norway
Katsuhiro Onoda, Foundation for Computer & Communication Promotion, Japan
Ranjit Makkuni, Sacred World Foundation - New Delhi - India
[W3C05] W3C Track: Recent Work in the Semantic Web Activity: Query and Best Practices (International Conference Room)
Session Chair:
Guus Schreiber, W3C Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group co-chair (Vrije Universiteit)
14:40 - 17:00
[IT05] Industrial and Practical Experience Track Panel (Room 304)
"How Search Engines Shape the Web"
Byron Dom, Yahoo!
Krishna Bharat, Google
Andrei Broder, IBM
Jan Pedersen, Yahoo!
Yoshinobu Tonomura, NTT
Marc Najork, Microsoft
16:10 - 16:30
16:30 - 18:00
[PT16] Semantic Search (Room 301)
Session Chair:
Junghoo (john) Cho, University of California, Los Angeles
  • "A Search Engine for Large-Corpus Language Applications"
    • Michael J. Cafarella, University of Washington
    • Oren Etzioni, University of Washington
  • "An Enhanced Model for Searching in Semantic Portals"
    • Lei Zhang, Shanghai JiaoTong University
    • Yong Yu, Shanghai JiaoTong University
    • Jian Zhou, Shanghai JiaoTong University
    • ChenXi Lin, Shanghai JiaoTong University
    • David Y. Yang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • "Disambiguating Web Appearances of People in a Social Network"
    • Ron Bekkerman, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts
    • Andrew McCallum, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts
[PT17] Security Through the Eyes of Users (Room 302)
Session Chair:
Mark Manasse, Microsoft Research
  • "A Convenient Method for Securely Managing Passwords"
    • J. Alex Halderman, Department of Computer Science, Princeton University
    • Brent Waters, Department of Computer Science, Princeton University
    • Edward W. Felten, Department of Computer Science, Princeton University
  • "Improving Understanding of Website Privacy Policies with Fine-Grained Policy Anchors"
    • Stephen E. Levy, Watson Research Center, IBM
    • Carl Gutwin, Computer Science Department, University of Saskatchewan
  • "Hardening Web Browsers Against Man-in-the-Middle and Eavesdropping Attacks"
    • Haidong Xia, University of Pittsburgh
    • José Carlos Brustoloni, University of Pittsburgh
[PT18] Measurements and analysis (Room 303)
Session Chair:
Prashant Shenoy, University of Massachusetts
  • "ATMEN: A Triggered Network Measurement Infrastructure"
    • Balachander Krishnamurthy, AT&T Labs-Research
    • Harsha V. Madhyastha, University of Washington
    • Oliver Spatscheck, AT&T Labs-Research
  • "On the lack of typical behavior in the global Web traffic network"
    • Mark Meiss, Indiana University
    • Filippo Menczer, Indiana University
    • Alessandro Vespignani, Indiana University
  • "Analysis of Multimedia Workloads with Implications for Internet Streaming"
    • Lei Guo, Department of Computer Science, College of William and Mary
    • Songqing Chen, Department of Computer Science, George Mason University
    • Zhen Xiao, AT&T Labs-Research
    • Xiaodong Zhang, Department of Computer Science, College of William and Mary
[PANEL06] Panel (Room 201)
"Exploiting the dynamic networking effects of the web"
Ramesh Sarukkai, Yahoo, USA
Prof. Soumen Chakrabarthi, Professor, IIT Bombay
Dr. Gary William Flake, Head of Research Labs, Yahoo!
Dr. Narayanan Shivakumar, Director of Ad Systems, Google
Prof. Asim M. Ansari, Professor, Columbia Business School
[W3C06] W3C Track: Web Internationalization Developments (International Conference Room)
Session Chair:
Richard Ishida, W3C Internationalization Activity Lead
18:30 - 20:30
Conference Dinner (Hotel New Otani, Tsuru)