Top  Panels  Call For Proposals

Panels: Call for Participation

Panels Chair: Robin Chen (AT&T Labs),
Deputy Chair: Ian Horrocks (University of Manchester),
Deputy Chair: Irwin King (Chinese University of Hong Kong),

Panels should focus on emerging technologies, controversial issues, or unsolved problems in the World Wide Web community to stimulate lively, thoughtful, and sometimes provocative discussions. We expect the panelists to actively engage the audience and help them broaden their understanding of the issues.

Particular areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • E-commerce and E-payments
  • E-Learning
  • Emerging XML Standards
  • Emerging P2P Technologies and Services
  • Mobile Multimedia Services
  • Mobile Blogs
  • Multi-modal User Interfaces
  • New Search Technologies and Web Mining
  • Next Generation Internet (such as PlanetLab)
  • Middleware
  • Security and Privacy
  • Semantic Web Technologies
  • Web Engineering
  • Web Services

Panel Proposal Submission Procedure

Important Dates
Proposal submission deadline: November 8, 2004
Acceptance notification: January 31, 2005

Submissions should include:

  • Panel title
  • Panel objective, scope, and target audience
  • Extended abstract
  • Panel format
  • The names and affiliations of the panelists
  • Panel length (preferably 90 minutes)

Please append short bios for moderator and each panelist, from whom prior approval to participate should be obtained. The panel proposal should also indicate whether other similar panels have been formed recently in other conferences or workshops. If so, what is the difference?

Proposals should be 4-6 pages long and can be submitted in either HTML or PDF. Please send proposals for WWW2005 Panels to

Panel formats:

Panels should last 90 minutes and typically include three to five panelists plus a moderator. Be creative about the panel format. A typical format includes:

  • moderator introduction
  • brief position statements by domain experts (it's essential that this part does not exceed a total of 30 minutes divided by all panelists)
  • discussions (at least 40 minutes divided by all participants)
  • closing statements from panelists and moderator

You are also welcome to use various forms of multimedia presentations to help engage the audience.