References for Approaches Using Virtual Environments with Mosaic

[Bolt] Bolt, R., Spatial Data Management, DARPA Report Architecture Machine Group, MIT Cambridge, MA 1979.

[Donelson] Donelson, W., "Spatial Management of Information", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1978, Atlanta, Georgia.

[FSN] File System Navigator by Joel Tesler and Steve Strasnick, available from Silicon Graphics Inc. at

[Herot] Herot, Carling, Friedell, Kramlich, "A Prototype Spatial Data Management System", Proc. ACM Siggraph 1980, Seattle WA.

[Inventor] IRIS Inventor Programming Guide 1992 (new version is called Open Inventor) Silicon Graphics Inc., Mountain View CA.

[Labyrinth] Labyrinth-VRML Specification by Parici and Pesce can be found at

[Lippman] Lippman, A. "Movie-Maps: An Application of the Optical Videodisc to Computer Graphics, Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1980.

[Mossberg] With eWorld, Apple begins an onslaught of on-line services, Wall Street Journal, June 23, 1994.

[NEC] NEC Clip Art 3-D from NEC Technologies Inc.

[Newsbytes] Packard Bell intros new multimedia PC Navigator GUI, Newsbytes March 10, 1994.

[Quinlan] Tools pub virtual reality into Apple's QuickTime by Tom Quinlan, InfoWorld June 20, 1994.

[Remote] Using Mosaic by Remote Control is at [Swivel] SwivelArt a 3D clip art collection from Macromedia, San Francisco CA.

[VRML] VRML information can be found at

[WebOOGL] OOGL Proposed as Geometry Format for VRML by Munzer, Chi and Burchard of the Geometry Center in Minnesota can be found at http://www.geom/

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