Sandy Ressler

Manager Open Virtual Reality Testbed National Institute of Standards and Technology

Mr. Ressler has been at the National Institute of Standards and Technology for the past 9 years involved with various aspects of product data standards development. Mr. Ressler has been involved with a variety of interactive computer graphics and video technologies for almost twenty years. While at AT&T; Bell Laboratories he created a number of innovative computer graphics demonstrations on a real time animation system. He was involved in the prototype development of a video disk information kiosk which later became part of Disney's Epcot center. He is author of "Perspectives on Electronic Publishing" and co-author of "Life with UNIX" (both of Prentice-Hall). He is also the author of a course for a subsidiary of Addison-Wesley entitled "Multimedia Development-A Hands-On Workshop".

Currently he is Project Leader of the Open Virtual Reality Testbed, whose mission is identify practical realizable applications of VR technologies, and to perform proof-of-concept demonstrations of prototype applications of VR technologies to real-world problems.

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